[PDF][PDF] Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the academic motivation scale (AMS)–Bahasa Indonesia
Validity evidence based on internal structure is important for psychological measurements
and this internal structure can be evaluated by factor analysis. Two types of factor analysis …
and this internal structure can be evaluated by factor analysis. Two types of factor analysis …
Religiosity as moderator of stress and well-being among Muslim students during the pandemic in Indonesia
N Daulay, N Darmayanti… - Islamic …, 2022 - journal.iaimnumetrolampung.ac.id
This study aimed to examine the effect of stress and religiosity on well-being and the role of
religiosity in moderating the relationship between stress and well-being during the COVID …
religiosity in moderating the relationship between stress and well-being during the COVID …
Sabar sebagai terapi kesehatan mental
E Ernadewita, R Rosdialena… - Jurnal Kajian Dan …, 2019 - jurnal.umsb.ac.id
Sabar adalah sebuah perkataan yang mudah untuk diucapkan tetapi berat untuk
dilaksanakan, namus sabar adalah sebuah keharusan dalam menjalankan kehidupan …
dilaksanakan, namus sabar adalah sebuah keharusan dalam menjalankan kehidupan …
Ikhlas Dalam Perspektif Alquran
T Taufiqurrahman - Eduprof, 2019 - neliti.com
Ikhlas merupakan kesucian hati dalam beribadah atau beramal untuk menuju kepada Allah.
Ikhlas adalah suasana kewajiban yang mencerminkan motivasi bathin kearah beribadah …
Ikhlas adalah suasana kewajiban yang mencerminkan motivasi bathin kearah beribadah …
The role of gratitude as a moderator of the relationship between the feeling of sincerity (narimo ing pandum) and psychological well-being among the first year …
Sincerity (narimo ing pandum) and gratitude can improve psychological well-being.
However, the role of gratitude as a moderator in the relationship between the feeling of …
However, the role of gratitude as a moderator in the relationship between the feeling of …
[PDF][PDF] Islamic Resilience as Spiritual and Psychological Co** Strategies for Muslims during COVID-19 Pandemic
S Gumiandari - 2022 - repository.syekhnurjati.ac.id
This study aims to explain the concept of resilience from Islamic perspective. This study used
qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that (1) the …
qualitative methodology with a literature approach. The results showed that (1) the …
Anonymity in COVID-19 online donations: a cross-cultural analysis on fundraising platforms
Donating money anonymously is often perceived as an act of altruism in Western culture
and a similar concept of 'ikhlas'(sincerity) in Indonesia. Yet, this prosocial behavior can also …
and a similar concept of 'ikhlas'(sincerity) in Indonesia. Yet, this prosocial behavior can also …
Pengembangan Instrumen Penilaian Sikap Ilmiah Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Untuk Memetakan Minat Belajar Siswa Di Sma Negeri 1 Menggala
F Dara Arka - 2023 - digilib.unila.ac.id
Kegunaan utamaipenilaian sikap sebagai bagian dari pembelajaran adalah refleksi
pemahaman dan kemajuan sikap peserta didik secaraiindividual. Tetapi menumbuhkan …
pemahaman dan kemajuan sikap peserta didik secaraiindividual. Tetapi menumbuhkan …
Nilai-nilai akhlak dalam al-qur'an (kajian Tafsir Surat Al-Insyirah Ayat 1-8)
NZ Lutfia - 2019 - repository.uinjkt.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai akhlak dalam surat al-Insyirah ayat 1-8.
Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif …
Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif …
Adversity Quotient (AQ) dan Stres Kerja Pegawai Bagian Protokol Pemerintah Provinsi Jambi
I Kurniawan, E Krisnawati - Jurnal Studia Insania, 2019 -
A precedence employee works not only in the office but also in the field. Fieldwork
sometimes makes scheduled jobs changed at any time. This happens when a government …
sometimes makes scheduled jobs changed at any time. This happens when a government …