Genome-wide association studies in plant pathosystems: success or failure?
Harnessing natural genetic variation is an established alternative to artificial genetic
variation for investigating the molecular dialog between partners in plant pathosystems …
variation for investigating the molecular dialog between partners in plant pathosystems …
Pyramiding for resistance durability: theory and practice
Durable disease resistance is a key component of global food security, and combining
resistance genes into “pyramids” is an important way to increase durability of resistance. The …
resistance genes into “pyramids” is an important way to increase durability of resistance. The …
Copy number variation introduced by a massive mobile element facilitates global thermal adaptation in a fungal wheat pathogen
Copy number variation (CNV) can drive rapid evolution in changing environments. In
microbial pathogens, such adaptation is a key factor underpinning epidemics and …
microbial pathogens, such adaptation is a key factor underpinning epidemics and …
Quantitative pathogenicity and host adaptation in a fungal plant pathogen revealed by whole-genome sequencing
Abstract Knowledge of genetic determinism and evolutionary dynamics mediating host-
pathogen interactions is essential to manage fungal plant diseases. Studies on the genetic …
pathogen interactions is essential to manage fungal plant diseases. Studies on the genetic …
The pan-genome of Aspergillus fumigatus provides a high-resolution view of its population structure revealing high levels of lineage-specific diversity driven by …
Aspergillus fumigatus is a deadly agent of human fungal disease where virulence
heterogeneity is thought to be at least partially structured by genetic variation between …
heterogeneity is thought to be at least partially structured by genetic variation between …
The dynamic fungal genome: polyploidy, aneuploidy and copy number variation in response to stress
Fungal species have dynamic genomes and often exhibit genomic plasticity in response to
stress. This genome plasticity often comes with phenotypic consequences that affect fitness …
stress. This genome plasticity often comes with phenotypic consequences that affect fitness …
A small secreted protein in Zymoseptoria tritici is responsible for avirulence on wheat cultivars carrying the Stb6 resistance gene
Zymoseptoria tritici is the causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch, a major pathogen of wheat
globally and the most damaging pathogen of wheat in Europe. A gene‐for‐gene (GFG) …
globally and the most damaging pathogen of wheat in Europe. A gene‐for‐gene (GFG) …
The genome biology of effector gene evolution in filamentous plant pathogens
Filamentous pathogens, including fungi and oomycetes, pose major threats to global food
security. Crop pathogens cause damage by secreting effectors that manipulate the host to …
security. Crop pathogens cause damage by secreting effectors that manipulate the host to …
A 19-isolate reference-quality global pangenome for the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici
Background The gene content of a species largely governs its ecological interactions and
adaptive potential. A species is therefore defined by both core genes shared between all …
adaptive potential. A species is therefore defined by both core genes shared between all …
Wheat blast: past, present, and future
The devastating wheat blast disease first emerged in Brazil in 1985. The disease was
restricted to South America until 2016, when a series of grain imports from Brazil led to a …
restricted to South America until 2016, when a series of grain imports from Brazil led to a …