The functional aspects of resting EEG microstates: a systematic review
A growing body of clinical and cognitive neuroscience studies have adapted a broadband
EEG microstate approach to evaluate the electrical activity of large-scale cortical networks …
EEG microstate approach to evaluate the electrical activity of large-scale cortical networks …
EEG source imaging: a practical review of the analysis steps
CM Michel, D Brunet - Frontiers in neurology, 2019 - frontiersin.org
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of the oldest technologies to measure neuronal
activity of the human brain. It has its undisputed value in clinical diagnosis, particularly (but …
activity of the human brain. It has its undisputed value in clinical diagnosis, particularly (but …
A GRU–CNN model for auditory attention detection using microstate and recurrence quantification analysis
MR EskandariNasab, Z Raeisi, RA Lashaki… - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
Attention as a cognition ability plays a crucial role in perception which helps humans to
concentrate on specific objects of the environment while discarding others. In this paper …
concentrate on specific objects of the environment while discarding others. In this paper …
Electroencephalographic resting-state networks: source localization of microstates
Using electroencephalography (EEG) to elucidate the spontaneous activation of brain
resting-state networks (RSNs) is nontrivial as the signal of interest is of low amplitude and it …
resting-state networks (RSNs) is nontrivial as the signal of interest is of low amplitude and it …
Microstates in resting-state EEG: current status and future directions
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a powerful method of studying the electrophysiology of the
brain with high temporal resolution. Several analytical approaches to extract information …
brain with high temporal resolution. Several analytical approaches to extract information …
EEG microstates are a candidate endophenotype for schizophrenia
Electroencephalogram microstates are recurrent scalp potential configurations that remain
stable for around 90 ms. The dynamics of two of the four canonical classes of microstates …
stable for around 90 ms. The dynamics of two of the four canonical classes of microstates …
Recommendations and publication guidelines for studies using frequency domain and time‐frequency domain analyses of neural time series
Since its beginnings in the early 20th century, the psychophysiological study of human brain
function has included research into the spectral properties of electrical and magnetic brain …
function has included research into the spectral properties of electrical and magnetic brain …
Capturing the spatiotemporal dynamics of self-generated, task-initiated thoughts with EEG and fMRI
The temporal structure of self-generated cognition is a key attribute to the formation of a
meaningful stream of consciousness. When at rest, our mind wanders from thought to …
meaningful stream of consciousness. When at rest, our mind wanders from thought to …
Subcortical electrophysiological activity is detectable with high-density EEG source imaging
M Seeber, LM Cantonas, M Hoevels, T Sesia… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
Subcortical neuronal activity is highly relevant for mediating communication in large-scale
brain networks. While electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings provide appropriate …
brain networks. While electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings provide appropriate …
Review of semi-dry electrodes for EEG recording
GL Li, JT Wu, YH ** reliable and user-friendly electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes remains a
challenge for emerging real-world EEG applications. Classic wet electrodes are the gold …
challenge for emerging real-world EEG applications. Classic wet electrodes are the gold …