Chimeras are this year coming of age since they were first observed by Kuramoto and
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Battogtokh in 2002 in a one-dimensional network of complex Ginzburg–Landau equations …
Effect of temperature on synchronization of scale-free neuronal network
The ambient temperature and the time delay of signal transmission are very important
influences on the synchronization behavior of neuronal networks. In this paper, a neuronal …
influences on the synchronization behavior of neuronal networks. In this paper, a neuronal …
Chimeras in globally coupled oscillators: A review
The surprising phenomenon of chimera in an ensemble of identical oscillators is no more
strange behavior of network dynamics and reality. By this time, this symmetry breaking self …
strange behavior of network dynamics and reality. By this time, this symmetry breaking self …
Higher-order interactions promote chimera states
Since the discovery of chimera states, the presence of a nonzero phase lag parameter turns
out to be an essential attribute for the emergence of chimeras in a nonlocally coupled …
out to be an essential attribute for the emergence of chimeras in a nonlocally coupled …
Hidden attractors: A new chaotic system without equilibria
Localization of hidden attractors is one of the most challenging tasks in the nonlinear
dynamics due to deficiency of properly justified analytical and numerical procedures. But …
dynamics due to deficiency of properly justified analytical and numerical procedures. But …
Chimera states in coupled pendulum with higher-order interaction
The study of chimera states in non-pairwise interaction networks is one of the challenging
issues in current research. In recent work [S. Kundu and D. Ghosh (2022)], it was discovered …
issues in current research. In recent work [S. Kundu and D. Ghosh (2022)], it was discovered …
Spike chimera states and firing regularities in neuronal hypernetworks
A complex spatiotemporal pattern with coexisting coherent and incoherent domains in a
network of identically coupled oscillators is known as a chimera state. Here, we report the …
network of identically coupled oscillators is known as a chimera state. Here, we report the …
Chimeras in an adaptive neuronal network with burst-timing-dependent plasticity
The synchronized behavior of neurons depends on the structure and function of the synaptic
connections between them. One of the activity-dependent synaptic modifications is the burst …
connections between them. One of the activity-dependent synaptic modifications is the burst …
Chimerapedia: coherence–incoherence patterns in one, two and three dimensions
Chimera states, or coherence–incoherence patterns in systems of symmetrically coupled
identical oscillators, have been the subject of intensive study for the last two decades. In …
identical oscillators, have been the subject of intensive study for the last two decades. In …
Chimera states in a ring of map-based neurons
Chimera state is a simultaneous combination of synchronous and asynchronous
environments in a network of identical oscillators, attracts the attention of researchers in the …
environments in a network of identical oscillators, attracts the attention of researchers in the …