Deposition of ZnO thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique. Effect of the milling speed and time and its application in photocatalysis
V Mata, A Maldonado, M de la Luz Olvera - Materials Science in …, 2018 - Elsevier
Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films were deposited on soda lime glass substrates by the ultrasonic
spray pyrolysis technique (USP), starting from zinc acetylacetonate. A novelty process was …
spray pyrolysis technique (USP), starting from zinc acetylacetonate. A novelty process was …
Scanning fluorescence-based ultrasensitive detection of dengue viral DNA on ZnO thin films
In this article, ZnO thin film acts as a matrix to bind with a sequence specific probe strand,
which is employed as a recognition element and is involved in sensing the complementary …
which is employed as a recognition element and is involved in sensing the complementary …
IGZO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effect of Zn precursor milling and In and Ga concentration
LM Balcazar, ML Olvera Amador - Journal of Materials Science: Materials …, 2024 - Springer
Codoped zinc oxide thin films with indium and gallium (IGZO) were deposited on soda-lime
glass substrates by the ultrasonic chemical spray (USP) technique. The influence of the …
glass substrates by the ultrasonic chemical spray (USP) technique. The influence of the …
Optogeometric and waveguiding properties of multimode ZnO planar waveguide sprayed thin films
ZnO thin films with different thicknesses (T 1= 230. 0, T 2= 450. 0, T 3= 634. 0, T 4= 926. 9
and T 5= 1153. 4 nm) were deposited by spray pyrolysis on ordinary glass. All of the films …
and T 5= 1153. 4 nm) were deposited by spray pyrolysis on ordinary glass. All of the films …
Study of FZO thin films deposited by ultrasonic spray: influence of precursor milling
GB Barrón, ML Olvera - Journal of Materials Science: Materials in …, 2024 - Springer
In this work, the results of the study of ZnO: F (FZO) films deposited on glass substrates using
the ultrasonic chemical spray technique are reported. For the preparation of the films …
the ultrasonic chemical spray technique are reported. For the preparation of the films …
Influence of precursor ball milling in enhancing the structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of AIZO thin films
VK Jayaraman, A Maldonado-Álvarez… - Materials Letters, 2016 - Elsevier
In this work, we report the effect of deposition time on the physical properties such as
structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of aluminium and indium co …
structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties of aluminium and indium co …
Characterization of Gallium-Doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by the Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Technique
Production and study of ZnO thin films have attracted the attention of scientists and
semiconductor industries due to their favorable properties. In this research work, the …
semiconductor industries due to their favorable properties. In this research work, the …
[PDF][PDF] Effet de la solution précurseur sur les propriétés structurales et otiques des couches minces de ZnO préparées par spray pyrolyse
Résumé Les couches de ZnO ont été déposées par la technique de spray pyrolyse sur des
substrats en verre chauffés à des températures fixes de 350 C, en utilisant l'acétate, le …
substrats en verre chauffés à des températures fixes de 350 C, en utilisant l'acétate, le …
[PDF][PDF] Determination of Refractive Index and Thickness of Zno Sprayed Waveguide Thin Films by Prism Coupler Technique: Validation by Genetic and Least Square …
ZnO thin films with three different thicknesses Z1= 230.0, Z2= 634.0 and Z3= 1153.4 nm
were deposited by spray pyrolysis on ordinary glass. The wurtzite crystal structure was …
were deposited by spray pyrolysis on ordinary glass. The wurtzite crystal structure was …
Study of the properties of FZO thin films deposited by USP using a milled Zn precursor
GB Barrón, A Maldonado… - 2023 20th International …, 2023 -
Zinc oxide thin films doped with fluorine (FZO) were deposited by the ultrasonic chemical
spray technique. Different starting solutions from unmilled and milled Zn precursor were …
spray technique. Different starting solutions from unmilled and milled Zn precursor were …