Wormlike micelles: where do we stand? Recent developments, linear rheology and scattering techniques

CA Dreiss - Soft matter, 2007 - pubs.rsc.org
Wormlike micelles are elongated flexible self-assembly structures formed by the aggregation
of amphiphiles. Above a threshold concentration, they entangle into a dynamic network …

Shear-induced transitions and instabilities in surfactant wormlike micelles

S Lerouge, JF Berret - Polymer Characterization: Rheology, Laser …, 2010 - Springer
In this review, we report recent developments on the shear-induced transitions and
instabilities found in surfactant wormlike micelles. The survey focuses on the nonlinear …

How does a soft glassy material flow: finite size effects, non local rheology, and flow cooperativity

J Goyon, A Colin, L Bocquet - Soft Matter, 2010 - pubs.rsc.org
In this paper, we investigate the rheological behavior of jammed emulsions in
microchannels on the basis of microvelocimetry techniques. We demonstrate that velocity …

Rheo-PIV of a yield-stress fluid in a capillary with slip at the wall

J Pérez-González, JJ López-Durán… - Rheologica acta, 2012 - Springer
An analysis of the yielding and flow behavior of a model yield-stress fluid, 0.2 wt% Carbopol
gel, in a capillary with slip at the wall has been carried out in the present work. For this, a …

Nonlocal effects in flows of wormlike micellar solutions

C Masselon, JB Salmon, A Colin - Physical review letters, 2008 - APS
The flow curve of wormlike micelles usually exhibits a stress plateau σ⋆ separating high and
low viscosity branches, leading to shear-banded flows. We study the flow of semidilute …

Rheo-PIV of a shear-banding wormlike micellar solution under large amplitude oscillatory shear

CJ Dimitriou, L Casanellas, TJ Ober, GH McKinley - Rheologica Acta, 2012 - Springer
We explore the behavior of a wormlike micellar solution under both steady and large
amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) in a cone–plate geometry through simultaneous bulk …

Microfluidic flows of wormlike micellar solutions

Y Zhao, P Cheung, AQ Shen - Advances in colloid and interface science, 2014 - Elsevier
The widespread use of wormlike micellar solutions is commonly found in household items
such as cosmetic products, industrial fluids used in enhanced oil recovery and as drag …

A thermodynamic approach to rheology of complex fluids: The generalized BMP model

O Manero, JH Pérez-López, JI Escalante… - Journal of non …, 2007 - Elsevier
In this paper, a set of constitutive relationships arising from the coupling of stress with
concentration, are derived using the extended irreversible thermodynamics formalism. In …

Self-organization in the flow of complex fluids (colloid and polymer systems): Part 1: Experimental evidence

AY Malkin, AV Semakov, VG Kulichikhin - Advances in Colloid and …, 2010 - Elsevier
Different types of regular and irregular self-organized structures observed in deformation of
colloid and polymer substances (“complex fluids”) are discussed and classified. This review …

Jetting of a shear banding fluid in rectangular ducts

PF Salipante, CAE Little, SD Hudson - Physical review fluids, 2017 - APS
Non-Newtonian fluids are susceptible to flow instabilities such as shear banding, in which
the fluid may exhibit a markedly discontinuous viscosity at a critical stress. Here we report …