Multitalker speech separation with utterance-level permutation invariant training of deep recurrent neural networks
In this paper, we propose the utterance-level permutation invariant training (uPIT) technique.
uPIT is a practically applicable, end-to-end, deep-learning-based solution for speaker …
uPIT is a practically applicable, end-to-end, deep-learning-based solution for speaker …
Spex: Multi-scale time domain speaker extraction network
Speaker extraction aims to mimic humans' selective auditory attention by extracting a target
speaker's voice from a multi-talker environment. It is common to perform the extraction in …
speaker's voice from a multi-talker environment. It is common to perform the extraction in …
A review on speech separation in cocktail party environment: challenges and approaches
The Cocktail party problem, which is tracing and identifying a specific speaker's speech
while numerous speakers communicate concurrently is one of the crucial problems still to be …
while numerous speakers communicate concurrently is one of the crucial problems still to be …
A comprehensive study of speech separation: spectrogram vs waveform separation
F Bahmaninezhad, J Wu, R Gu, SX Zhang, Y Xu… - ar** to listen at the cocktail party: Text-guided target speaker extraction
Humans possess an extraordinary ability to selectively focus on the sound source of interest
amidst complex acoustic environments, commonly referred to as cocktail party scenarios. In …
amidst complex acoustic environments, commonly referred to as cocktail party scenarios. In …