Efficiency, Competitiveness And Resilience Of Banking: A Systematic Literature Review
Purpose: This study aims to analyze and classify the literature on efficiency, competitiveness
and resilience of banking systems. The banking sector remains in a state of development …
and resilience of banking systems. The banking sector remains in a state of development …
Efektivitas Net Interest Margin dan Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Profitabilitas Perbankan
Net Interest Margin (NIM) adalah rasio yang mengukur kemampuan manajemen bank
dalam mengelola aktiva produktifnya untuk menghasilkan bunga bersih (Kristian, 2016). Net …
dalam mengelola aktiva produktifnya untuk menghasilkan bunga bersih (Kristian, 2016). Net …
The Impact of Capital Adequacy and Operating Efficiency on Saudi Banks Performance
R Khaled Subhi - The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and …, 2023 - koreascience.kr
This study investigates the impact of capital adequacy and operating efficiency on the
performance of Saudi banks. In the first part, the study includes a brief introduction focused …
performance of Saudi banks. In the first part, the study includes a brief introduction focused …
Contribución de las inversiones en recursos humanos según el tipo de eficiencia técnica de la banca múltiple peruana
LK Castillo Inche, LB Tejada Portilla… - Acta …, 2023 - scielo.org.mx
Se evaluó la contribución de las inversiones en recursos humanos (RRHH) a la eficiencia
técnica de la banca múltiple peruana durante el 2021. Además, se demostró qué tipo de …
técnica de la banca múltiple peruana durante el 2021. Además, se demostró qué tipo de …
The impact of climate change and green financing on bank stability in Malaysia
MR Abd Hishamuddin, I Bujang… - Journal of Emerging …, 2023 - myjms.mohe.gov.my
Banking stability is paramount for economic growth. A sound financial intermediation
process leads to the creation of loans from depositors to borrowers, guaranteeing the …
process leads to the creation of loans from depositors to borrowers, guaranteeing the …
[PDF][PDF] Efektivitas Net Interest Margin dan Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Profitabilitas Perbankan
SPD Anantadjaya - repository.ipmi.ac.id
BAB I Page 1 128 BRILIANT: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual Volume 9 Nomor 1, Februari 2024
Efektivitas Net Interest Margin dan Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Profitabilitas Perbankan …
Efektivitas Net Interest Margin dan Loan to Deposit Ratio Terhadap Profitabilitas Perbankan …