Missing marine protected area (MPA) targets: How the push for quantity over quality undermines sustainability and social justice
EM De Santo - Journal of environmental management, 2013 - Elsevier
International targets for marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs set by the
World Summit on Sustainable Development and United Nations Convention on Biological …
World Summit on Sustainable Development and United Nations Convention on Biological …
Placing marine protected areas onto the ecosystem-based management seascape
The rapid increase in the science and implementation of marine protected areas (MPAs)
around the world in the past 15 years is now being followed by similar increases in the …
around the world in the past 15 years is now being followed by similar increases in the …
Mind the gap: addressing the shortcomings of marine protected areas through large scale marine spatial planning
A blind faith in the ability of MPAs to counteract loss of biodiversity is fraught with risk,
especially when MPAs are poorly planned and when the consequences of establishing …
especially when MPAs are poorly planned and when the consequences of establishing …
[HTML][HTML] From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have the potential to conserve marine resources as well as
provide social and economic benefits to local communities. Yet the percentage of MPAs that …
provide social and economic benefits to local communities. Yet the percentage of MPAs that …
A global analysis of the effectiveness of marine protected areas in preventing coral loss
Background A variety of human activities have led to the recent global decline of reef-
building corals,. The ecological, social, and economic value of coral reefs has made them an …
building corals,. The ecological, social, and economic value of coral reefs has made them an …
Human dimensions of marine protected areas
Abstract Charles, A., and Wilson, L. 2009. Human dimensions of Marine Protected Areas.–
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 6–15. Planning, implementing, and managing Marine …
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66: 6–15. Planning, implementing, and managing Marine …
Ecosystem services as a common language for coastal ecosystem‐based management
Ecosystem‐based management is logistically and politically challenging because
ecosystems are inherently complex and management decisions affect a multitude of groups …
ecosystems are inherently complex and management decisions affect a multitude of groups …
[HTML][HTML] Synergistic benefits of conserving land-sea ecosystems
Mangroves, seagrasses, and coral reefs interact in tropical regions throughout the world.
These ecosystems exhibit strong synergies, as the health of each ecosystem supports the …
These ecosystems exhibit strong synergies, as the health of each ecosystem supports the …
Marine protected areas: at the crossroads of nature conservation and fisheries management
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are designated parts of the ocean that restrict human
activities to a certain degree. MPAs are established around the world using a wide range of …
activities to a certain degree. MPAs are established around the world using a wide range of …
Perspectives on ecosystem-based approaches to the management of marine resources
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 274: 269–303, 2004 how severely depleted some fish stocks are, and on
whether and how quickly they will recover, all agree that many stocks are overexploited …
whether and how quickly they will recover, all agree that many stocks are overexploited …