Different responses of taxonomic and functional diversity to environmental changes: case study of fish communities in the Zhoushan fishing ground, China
Y Li, J Wang, P Ju, C Zhang, B Liu, Y Wang - Aquatic Sciences, 2023 - Springer
The resilience and response of fish communities to environmental stressors are associated
with their structure, such as fish biodiversity. Whether different components of biodiversity …
with their structure, such as fish biodiversity. Whether different components of biodiversity …
Trophic structure of fish assemblages varies across a Mesoamerican river network with contrasting climate and flow conditions
Assessments of trophic diversity are critical for evaluating ecological integrity of habitats, but
interpretations of such assessments require an understanding of variation across natural …
interpretations of such assessments require an understanding of variation across natural …
Seasonal Variation in Trophic Diversity and Relative Importance of Basal Resources Supporting Tropical River Fish Assemblages in Chiapas, Mexico: SEASONAL …
Environmental changes caused by hydrological shifts between wet and dry seasons in the
tropics drive variation in resource availability and feeding interactions for riverine fish …
tropics drive variation in resource availability and feeding interactions for riverine fish …
Caracterización y uso de los atributos funcionales de los peces para el estudio de sus comunidades en la cuenca del río Lacantún, Chiapas
La cuenca del Usumacinta en el sureste de México es una de las de mayor riqueza
ictiofaunística en el país, pero también una de las menos estudiadas. En el presente trabajo …
ictiofaunística en el país, pero también una de las menos estudiadas. En el presente trabajo …
I ntrinsic C onstraints on the D iversification of N eotropical C ichlid A dductor M andibulae S ize
The diversification of functional traits may be constrained by intrinsic factors, such as
structural, mechanical, developmental, or physiological limitations. We explored the …
structural, mechanical, developmental, or physiological limitations. We explored the …
[CARTE][B] Rivers of North America
Rivers of North America, Second Edition features new updates on rivers included in the first
edition, as well as brand new information on additional rivers. This new edition expands the …
edition, as well as brand new information on additional rivers. This new edition expands the …
Different responses of taxonomic diversity and functional diversity to environmental changes: A case study of fish communities in the Zhoushan Fishing Ground, China
Y Li, J Wang, P Ju, C Zhang, B Liu, Y Wang - 2023 - researchsquare.com
The resilience and responses of fish communities to environmental stressors have been
evidenced to associated with the community structure of fish such as fish biodiversity. What …
evidenced to associated with the community structure of fish such as fish biodiversity. What …
[HTML][HTML] Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación, Av. Universidad Núm. 1001, Col. Chamilpa, 62209 …
N Mercado-Silva, C Ramírez, N Rosales-Quintero - rev.mex.biodivers.unam.mx
La cuenca del Usumacinta en el sureste de México es una de las de mayor riqueza
ictiofaunística en el país, pero también una de las menos estudiadas. En el presente trabajo …
ictiofaunística en el país, pero también una de las menos estudiadas. En el presente trabajo …
[CARTE][B] Trends in the Evolution and Ecology of Functional Morphology in Neotropical Cichlids
JH Arbour - 2015 - search.proquest.com
The uneven distribution of biological diversity has been a subject of great interest in the
study of evolutionary biology. Advances in molecular phylogenetics and comparative …
study of evolutionary biology. Advances in molecular phylogenetics and comparative …