An integrated approach to unravel the structural controls on groundwater potentialities in hyper-arid regions using satellite and land-based geophysics: a case study in …
Groundwater exploration is the most promising way to overcome water scarcity in hyper-arid
regions around the world. Due to the scarcity of hydrogeological information in these …
regions around the world. Due to the scarcity of hydrogeological information in these …
Crustal structure and Moho topography of the southern part (18° S–25° S) of Central Indian Ridge using high-resolution EIGEN6C4 global gravity model data
The sophisticated tectonic setting and obscure structural heterogeneity over the Central
Indian Ridge (CIR) make it a challenging target for geophysical study. The present study …
Indian Ridge (CIR) make it a challenging target for geophysical study. The present study …
Delineation of structural and tectonic features in the Mahanadi basin, eastern India: New insights from remote sensing and land gravity data
Abstract During Gondwana dispersal, the Mahanadi basin experienced rifting and
reactivation of preexisting structures, causing terrain deformation with faulting. The landform …
reactivation of preexisting structures, causing terrain deformation with faulting. The landform …
New insights into the structural and tectonic settings of the Bay of Bengal using high-resolution earth gravity model data
The residual anomaly of GECO model-derived gravity data has been enhanced using first
vertical derivative, tilt derivative and balanced horizontal derivative for delineation of …
vertical derivative, tilt derivative and balanced horizontal derivative for delineation of …
Delineation of subsurface geological fractures in the Cambay rift and surrounding regions of NW India: an integrated approach using satellite derived EIGEN-6C4 …
The Cambay rift (CR) is a rich petroleum province of north-western India and extensively
studied for petroleum exploration and map** the sub-surface structure through various …
studied for petroleum exploration and map** the sub-surface structure through various …
Combined self-potential, electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarisation for map** of gold prospective zones over a part of Babaikundi-Birgaon Axis …
The Palaeo-to Meso-Proterozoic (1.0–2.4 Ga) North Singhbhum Mobile Belt (NSMB) is an
assembly of multiphase folded, low-to medium-grade meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous …
assembly of multiphase folded, low-to medium-grade meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous …
Structural and tectonic interpretation of EGM2008 gravity data around the Laccadive ridge in the Western Indian Ocean: an implication to continental crust
The present study attempts to structural and tectonic interpretation around the Laccadive
ridge in the Western Indian Ocean using EGM2008 Bouguer gravity data. The different …
ridge in the Western Indian Ocean using EGM2008 Bouguer gravity data. The different …
The magmatic architecture of continental flood basalts I: Observations from the Deccan Traps
Flood basalts are some of the largest magmatic events in Earth history, with intrusion and
eruption of millions of km3 of basaltic magma over a short time period (∼ 1–5 Ma). A typical …
eruption of millions of km3 of basaltic magma over a short time period (∼ 1–5 Ma). A typical …
[PDF][PDF] Insights into the crustal architecture from the analysis of gravity and magnetic data across Salem-Attur Shear Zone (SASZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT) …
The gravity and magnetic surveys were carried out across EW trending Salem-Attur Shear
Zone (SASZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), India. The study envisages detail crustal …
Zone (SASZ), Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), India. The study envisages detail crustal …