Review of challenges, requirements, and approaches of pervasive computing system evaluation
Performance evaluation process identifies direction for future research and development.
Tremendous efforts have been invested in the related research; however, no standard or …
Tremendous efforts have been invested in the related research; however, no standard or …
Usability evaluation in a digitally emerging country: a survey study
Several emerging countries experience increasing software development activities. With the
purpose of provide useful feedback on possible courses of action for increasing application …
purpose of provide useful feedback on possible courses of action for increasing application …
[PDF][PDF] Investigation into usability attributes for embedded systems testing
Usability in embedded systems is an important factor in determining the quality of a whole
system. Embedded systems are proliferating in vast application areas of life with ever …
system. Embedded systems are proliferating in vast application areas of life with ever …
[CARTE][B] Pervasive computing: concepts, technologies and applications
This book introduces fundamental concepts and theories in pervasive computing as well as
its key technologies and applications. It explains how to design and implement pervasive …
its key technologies and applications. It explains how to design and implement pervasive …
A literature review: Usability aspects of ubiquitous computing
S Yagmur - … Conference on Platform Technology and Service …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We live in a digital world which controls our physical environment. The increasing use of
wireless network supports these digital devices to use mostly people. People prefer mobile …
wireless network supports these digital devices to use mostly people. People prefer mobile …
Towards Evaluation of Pervasive Computing System
Y Malik - 2015 - library-archives.canada.ca
Pervasive computing is shifting the computing paradigm toward everywhere computing. This
emergence covers distributed and mobile computing, sensor networks, human computer …
emergence covers distributed and mobile computing, sensor networks, human computer …
A experiência mediada por interfaces gestuais touchless em contexto turístico
CFP Figueiredo - 2015 - search.proquest.com
A evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação impeliu novos modelos e
estímulos para o sector do turismo. Estas mudanças, combinadas com uma nova postura do …
estímulos para o sector do turismo. Estas mudanças, combinadas com uma nova postura do …
A Survey on Usability Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing
S Yağmur - JOURNAL OF PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY, 2015 - dbpia.co.kr
We live in a digital world which controls our physical environment. The increasing use of
wireless network supports these digital devices to use mostly people. People prefer mobile …
wireless network supports these digital devices to use mostly people. People prefer mobile …
Rubrics to Assess Usability of Embedded Systems
Embedded systems have more usability dimension as compared to general-purpose
computers. Hence, the need to have more diverse and effective ways to evaluate such …
computers. Hence, the need to have more diverse and effective ways to evaluate such …