Unexpected outcomes from an AI education course among education faculty: Toward making AI accessible with marginalized youth in urban Mexico
The authors explore the intersection of AI and equity in education, presenting a workshop
designed for marginalized youth in urban Mexico. This reflective essay stems from their …
designed for marginalized youth in urban Mexico. This reflective essay stems from their …
Exploring Teacher and Student Stereotypes in a Gender-Inclusive Secondary Computer Science Program
While a growing emphasis has been placed on broadening participation in computer
science (CS) education, an enduring gender gap exists. One reason for this is gender-based …
science (CS) education, an enduring gender gap exists. One reason for this is gender-based …
Quo Vadis Racial Disparities? Trend Analysis of the Participation and Top Achievement in Advanced Placement Computer Science Exams
This study explores the direction and magnitude of racial disparities on three advanced
placement (AP) computer science (CS) exams, namely AP CS Principles, AP CS A, and AP …
placement (AP) computer science (CS) exams, namely AP CS Principles, AP CS A, and AP …
Teacher and Student Experiences in a Gender-Inclusive Secondary Computer Science Program.
A significant gender gap continues to exist within computer science (CS) education, despite
nationwide emphasis in the US on improving CS education equity and access. To explore …
nationwide emphasis in the US on improving CS education equity and access. To explore …
Exploring computer science understanding and rationales in preservice teacher pathways through faculty professional development
With the increasing demand for K-12 computer science education (CSed), and the
importance of preparing highly qualified preservice teachers who have basic CS knowledge …
importance of preparing highly qualified preservice teachers who have basic CS knowledge …
Методика організації інклюзивного навчання інформатики у 10-11 (12) класах
СВ Раєцька - 2024 - elibrary.kdpu.edu.ua
Мета дослідження полягає у теоретичному обґрунтуванні та розробці методичних
рекомендацій щодо організації інклюзивного навчання інформатики у 10-11 (12) …
рекомендацій щодо організації інклюзивного навчання інформатики у 10-11 (12) …