Análisis de las competencias digitales en el Máster de Turismo de la Universidad de Huelva
Las titulaciones y los programas formativos deben estar acordes a las competencias que
demanda el mercado, ya que encontrar empleo se ha vuelto un proceso complicado y …
demanda el mercado, ya que encontrar empleo se ha vuelto un proceso complicado y …
Key factors in the process of acceptance and implementation of artificial intelligence in the hotel sector
Artificial intelligence is one of the most innovative and trending technologies in the hotel
sector. It is transforming the hotel sector into a novel environment in business-client …
sector. It is transforming the hotel sector into a novel environment in business-client …
Las posibilidades de empleo del Internet de las Cosas en el sector hotelero y sus necesidades formativas
La incorporación del Internet de las Cosas en las empresas y en el sector hotelero crea
nuevas cargas de trabajo que se deben cubrir. Así, a través de revisión bibliográfica y …
nuevas cargas de trabajo que se deben cubrir. Así, a través de revisión bibliográfica y …
Motivational factors in the use of videoconferences to carry out tutorials in spanish universities in the post-pandemic period
Many of the tools used for virtual teaching during the pandemic had not been used
previously, but they could continue to be used when traditional teaching returns. For this …
previously, but they could continue to be used when traditional teaching returns. For this …
Motivational factors in the insertion of digital skills in teaching
Digital competences play an important role in today's society and in the labor market, which
must be reflected in the teaching of future workers and in their training programs. For this, a …
must be reflected in the teaching of future workers and in their training programs. For this, a …
Motivational factors in the insertion of Cloud Computing in teaching
The education sector is one of the sectors where technologies have had the greatest impact
and many are the technological tools implemented in their teaching or teaching-learning …
and many are the technological tools implemented in their teaching or teaching-learning …
Continuous Training in Digital Skills, saving gaps between the needs and the training offer in the field of non-formal education for European Active Citizenship
The European labour market has been widely affected by the progressive incorporation of
new technologies into work processes, which has meant a need for transformation and …
new technologies into work processes, which has meant a need for transformation and …
Training needs in digital skills in the tourism sector of Huelva
This study analyzes the general digital skills that workers in the tourism sector have in the
province of Huelva and the general digital skills that this sector demands, detecting the …
province of Huelva and the general digital skills that this sector demands, detecting the …
A hybrid soft computing with big data analytics based protection and recovery strategy for security enhancement in large scale real world online social networks
Abstract In recent years, Online Social Networks (OSN) have become an integral part of
human society. OSN has become an important and crucial mode of interaction among …
human society. OSN has become an important and crucial mode of interaction among …
Degree of mastery of ICT in the students of the Master of Tourism of the University of Huelva
In such a competitive labor market for young people, it is necessary for them to acquire the
skills that the labor market requires. Thus, from the Master of Tourism of the University of …
skills that the labor market requires. Thus, from the Master of Tourism of the University of …