Printable smart materials and devices: strategies and applications
Smart materials are a kind of functional materials which can sense and response to
environmental conditions or stimuli from optical, electrical, magnetic mechanical, thermal …
environmental conditions or stimuli from optical, electrical, magnetic mechanical, thermal …
Rational design of semiconductor‐based chemiresistors and their libraries for next‐generation artificial olfaction
Artificial olfaction based on gas sensor arrays aims to substitute for, support, and surpass
human olfaction. Like mammalian olfaction, a larger number of sensors and more signal …
human olfaction. Like mammalian olfaction, a larger number of sensors and more signal …
Metal-oxide-semiconductor based gas sensors: screening, preparation, and integration
Metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) based gas sensors have been considered a promising
candidate for gas detection over the past few years. However, the sensing properties of MOS …
candidate for gas detection over the past few years. However, the sensing properties of MOS …
Multivariable sensors for ubiquitous monitoring of gases in the era of internet of things and industrial internet
Modern gas monitoring scenarios for medical diagnostics, environmental surveillance,
industrial safety, and other applications demand new sensing capabilities. This Review …
industrial safety, and other applications demand new sensing capabilities. This Review …
Progress and prospects for accelerating materials science with automated and autonomous workflows
Accelerating materials research by integrating automation with artificial intelligence is
increasingly recognized as a grand scientific challenge to discover and develop materials …
increasingly recognized as a grand scientific challenge to discover and develop materials …
[HTML][HTML] Fulfilling the promise of the materials genome initiative with high-throughput experimental methodologies
The Materials Genome Initiative, a national effort to introduce new materials into the market
faster and at lower cost, has made significant progress in computational simulation and …
faster and at lower cost, has made significant progress in computational simulation and …
Combinatorial strategies in fluorescent probe development
The need for understanding essential recognition events in chemistry and biology has
directed considerable efforts toward the development of chemical probes. Fluorescent …
directed considerable efforts toward the development of chemical probes. Fluorescent …
Engineering mesoporous semiconducting metal oxides from metal-organic frameworks for gas sensing
Chemiresistive gas sensors based on semiconducting metal oxides (SMOs) have been
widely used in medical diagnosis, industrial production and aerospace vehicles. It's …
widely used in medical diagnosis, industrial production and aerospace vehicles. It's …
Molecular imprinting science and technology: a survey of the literature for the years 2004–2011
Herein, we present a survey of the literature covering the development of molecular
imprinting science and technology over the years 2004–2011. In total, 3779 references to …
imprinting science and technology over the years 2004–2011. In total, 3779 references to …
Review of emerging concepts in nanotoxicology: opportunities and challenges for safer nanomaterial design
Nanotoxicology and nanosafety has been a topic of intensive research for about more than
20 years. Nearly 10 000 research papers have been published on the topic, yet there exists …
20 years. Nearly 10 000 research papers have been published on the topic, yet there exists …