Instabilities, breathers and rogue waves in optics
Optical rogue waves are rare, extreme fluctuations in the value of an optical field. The
term'optical rogue wave'was first used in the context of an analogy between pulse …
term'optical rogue wave'was first used in the context of an analogy between pulse …
Spatiotemporal mode-locking and dissipative solitons in multimode fiber lasers
Multimode fiber (MMF) lasers are emerging as a remarkable testbed to study nonlinear
spatiotemporal physics with potential applications spanning from high energy pulse …
spatiotemporal physics with potential applications spanning from high energy pulse …
Real-time observation of the buildup of soliton molecules
Real-time spectroscopy access to ultrafast fiber lasers opens new opportunities for exploring
complex soliton interaction dynamics. Here, we have reported the first observation, to the …
complex soliton interaction dynamics. Here, we have reported the first observation, to the …
Microwave photonic radars
As the only method for all-weather, all-time and long-distance target detection and
recognition, radar has been intensively studied since it was invented, and is considered as …
recognition, radar has been intensively studied since it was invented, and is considered as …
Deep learning in label-free cell classification
Label-free cell analysis is essential to personalized genomics, cancer diagnostics, and drug
development as it avoids adverse effects of staining reagents on cellular viability and cell …
development as it avoids adverse effects of staining reagents on cellular viability and cell …
Synchronized multi-wavelength soliton fiber laser via intracavity group delay modulation
Locking of longitudinal modes in laser cavities is the common path to generate ultrashort
pulses. In traditional multi-wavelength mode-locked lasers, the group velocities rely on …
pulses. In traditional multi-wavelength mode-locked lasers, the group velocities rely on …
Measurement technologies for precision positioning
Precision positioning of an object relative to a reference point is a common task in many
activities of production engineering. Sensor technologies for single axis measurement …
activities of production engineering. Sensor technologies for single axis measurement …
Upconversion time-stretch infrared spectroscopy
High-speed measurement confronts the extreme speed limit when the signal becomes
comparable to the noise level. In the context of broadband mid-infrared spectroscopy, state …
comparable to the noise level. In the context of broadband mid-infrared spectroscopy, state …
Real-time full-field characterization of transient dissipative soliton dynamics in a mode-locked laser
Dissipative solitons are remarkably localized states of a physical system that arise from the
dynamical balance between nonlinearity, dispersion and environmental energy exchange …
dynamical balance between nonlinearity, dispersion and environmental energy exchange …
Real-time observation of internal motion within ultrafast dissipative optical soliton molecules
Real-time access to the internal ultrafast dynamics of complex dissipative optical systems
opens new explorations of pulse-pulse interactions and dynamic patterns. We present the …
opens new explorations of pulse-pulse interactions and dynamic patterns. We present the …