[HTML][HTML] Landslide failures detection and map** using Synthetic Aperture Radar: Past, present and future
Landslides are geomorphological processes that shape the landscapes of all continents,
dismantling mountains and contributing sediments to the river networks. Caused by …
dismantling mountains and contributing sediments to the river networks. Caused by …
The role of space-based observation in understanding and responding to active tectonics and earthquakes
The quantity and quality of satellite-geodetic measurements of tectonic deformation have
increased dramatically over the past two decades improving our ability to observe active …
increased dramatically over the past two decades improving our ability to observe active …
Hierarchical interlocked orthogonal faulting in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
A nearly 20-year hiatus in major seismic activity in southern California ended on 4 July 2019
with a sequence of intersecting earthquakes near the city of Ridgecrest, California. This …
with a sequence of intersecting earthquakes near the city of Ridgecrest, California. This …
War related building damage assessment in Kyiv, Ukraine, using Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-2 optical images
Natural and anthropogenic disasters can cause significant damage to urban infrastructure,
landscape, and loss of human life. Satellite based remote sensing plays a key role in rapid …
landscape, and loss of human life. Satellite based remote sensing plays a key role in rapid …
Integrating post-event very high resolution SAR imagery and machine learning for building-level earthquake damage assessment
Earthquakes have devastating effects on densely urbanised regions, requiring rapid and
extensive damage assessment to guide resource allocation and recovery efforts. Traditional …
extensive damage assessment to guide resource allocation and recovery efforts. Traditional …
A new method for the identification of earthquake-damaged buildings using sentinel-1 multi-temporal coherence optimized by homogeneous SAR pixels and …
Emergency response after earthquakes, especially rapid access to building damage
information, is of great significance to ensure timely rescue and reduce casualties. However …
information, is of great significance to ensure timely rescue and reduce casualties. However …
Multi-temporal InSAR for transport infrastructure monitoring: recent trends and challenges
Worldwide, transport infrastructure is increasingly vulnerable to aging-induced deterioration
and climate-related hazards. Often, inspection and maintenance costs far exceed the …
and climate-related hazards. Often, inspection and maintenance costs far exceed the …
[HTML][HTML] Multi-temporal InSAR structural damage assessment: The London crossrail case study
Spaceborne multi-temporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar (MT-InSAR) is a
monitoring technique capable of extracting line of sight (LOS) cumulative surface …
monitoring technique capable of extracting line of sight (LOS) cumulative surface …
Rapid flood and damage map** using synthetic aperture radar in response to Typhoon Hagibis, Japan
During the aftermath of Typhoon Hagibis, we made flood and damage proxy maps, rapidly
derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using change detection approaches. The …
derived from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using change detection approaches. The …
A review on synthetic aperture radar-based building damage assessment in disasters
P Ge, H Gokon, K Meguro - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2020 - Elsevier
A prompt and overall understanding of building damages following a disaster is critical, as
they are closely related to casualties. As an important active remote sensing technology …
they are closely related to casualties. As an important active remote sensing technology …