A deep learning approach to dysarthric utterance classification with BiLSTM-GRU, speech cue filtering, and log mel spectrograms
Assessing the intelligibility of dysarthric speech, characterized by intricate speaking rhythms
presents formidable challenges. Current techniques for objectively testing speech …
presents formidable challenges. Current techniques for objectively testing speech …
Data augmentation techniques for transfer learning-based continuous dysarthric speech recognition
Data augmentation is an essential component in building a dysarthric speech recognition
system, as speech data collection from dysarthric speakers with varying degree of disorder …
system, as speech data collection from dysarthric speakers with varying degree of disorder …
Severity-based adaptation with limited data for ASR to aid dysarthric speakers
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is currently used in many assistive technologies, such
as hel** individuals with speech impairment in their communication ability. One challenge …
as hel** individuals with speech impairment in their communication ability. One challenge …
Automatic detection of Parkinson's disease using noise measures of speech
EA Belalcazar-Bolaños… - … of Signals, Images …, 2013 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by the loss of
dopaminergic neurons in the mid brain. It is demonstrated that about 90% of the people with …
dopaminergic neurons in the mid brain. It is demonstrated that about 90% of the people with …
[PDF][PDF] Improvement of continuous dysarthric speech quality
Dysarthria refers to a group of motor speech disorders as the result of any neurological
injury to the speech production system. Dysarthric speech is characterised by poor speech …
injury to the speech production system. Dysarthric speech is characterised by poor speech …
New cues in low-frequency of speech for automatic detection of Parkinson's disease
In this paper, the analysis of low-frequency zone of the speech signals from the five Spanish
vowels, by means of the Teager energy operator (TEO) and the modified group delay …
vowels, by means of the Teager energy operator (TEO) and the modified group delay …
Serebral Paralizili Bireylerin Konuşma Anlaşılırlığının Ortalama Sözce Uzunluğu, Artükülasyon Becerileri ve Oral Motor Beceriler Ile Ilişkisinin Iki Farklı Juri Ile …
AB Dizlek - 2010 - search.proquest.com
Serebral paralizili bireyler dil, konuşma ve iletişim alanlarında genel olarak problem
yaşamaktadırlar. Bu problemler beyin hasarına bağlı olarak motor fonksiyonların etkilenmesi …
yaşamaktadırlar. Bu problemler beyin hasarına bağlı olarak motor fonksiyonların etkilenmesi …
2 Enhancement of continuous dysarthric speech
Dysarthria is a set of motor–speech disorders resulting due to neurological injuries. It affects
the motor component of the motor–speech system. Disruption in muscular control makes the …
the motor component of the motor–speech system. Disruption in muscular control makes the …
8 Automatic assessment of consonant omission and speech intelligibility in cleft palate speech
The effective assessment of cleft palate speech has a great significance in clinical practice.
Two algorithms are proposed to automatically detect the consonant omission and assess the …
Two algorithms are proposed to automatically detect the consonant omission and assess the …
3 Assessment and intelligibility modification for dysarthric speech
Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder that is often associated with irregular phonation and
amplitude, incoordination and restricted movement of articulators. This condition is caused …
amplitude, incoordination and restricted movement of articulators. This condition is caused …