Patterns of emotional schema endorsement and personality disorder symptoms among outpatient psychotherapy clients

E Edwards, R Leahy, S Snyder - Motivation and Emotion, 2023 - Springer
Emotional schemas—cognitive frameworks that organize and guide beliefs, values,
interpretations of, and reactions to emotions and emotional experiences—appear to underlie …

Hyperactivity or mania: Examining the overlap of scales measuring attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and bipolar spectrum disorders in an assessment context.

EP Barden, CP Polizzi, AL Vizgaitis, S Bottini… - Practice …, 2023 -
Individuals with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) typically exhibit difficulty with
concentration and restlessness. These symptoms are also commonly present in other …

[HTML][HTML] General and distinct correspondence between personality disorder and interpersonal functioning

S Kwak, J Kwon - Acta Psychologica, 2024 - Elsevier
The alternative model of personality disorders (AMPD) in DSM-5 includes interpersonal
dysfunction as a core construct as a global severity dimension. However, it is less known …

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–IV (MCMI-IV) assessment of bipolar spectrum disorders.

JP Choca - 2023 -
Abstract The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI)-IV consists of 195 true–false self-
report items. Of these, the author found that 122, or 70% of the items, were taken from its …

[PDF][PDF] Predicting Tendency Towards Extramarital Relationships Based on Primary Maladaptive Schemas and Attachment Styles in Women Applying for Divorce

M Salehi, ES Damirchi… - Academic Journal …, 2024 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between primary maladaptive
schemas and attachment styles with a tendency toward extramarital relationships in women …

Antisocial Behavior and Childhood Trauma

A DORDEVIC - 2023 -
Abstract in italiano Antisocial behavior, characterized by persistent lack of moral
responsibility, breaking of social norms, inadequate behavior, and often breaking of the law …

Child Custody and Divorce Assessment

SE Veshinski, C Sacco-Bene - Couple and Family Assessment -
This chapter identifies the clinical use and issues involved in the assessment of post-
divorce/separation parental relationship, children's relationship with each parent, and …

Pola Kepribadian dan Sindroma Klinis Pasien Rehabilitasi Napza di RSJ Provinsi Bali

PA Primatanti, GY Kurniawan - Seminar Ilmiah Nasional …, 2025 -
Abstract Prevalensi pengguna Napza di Indonesia selama tahun 2021 mengalami
peningkatan sebesar 0, 15%, sehingga menjadi 1, 95% atau 3, 66 juta jiwa. Beberapa …