Early-life health and adult circumstance in develo** countries
A growing literature documents the links between long-term outcomes and health in the fetal
period, infancy, and early childhood. Much of this literature focuses on rich countries, but …
period, infancy, and early childhood. Much of this literature focuses on rich countries, but …
Recent developments in intergenerational mobility
Economists and social scientists have long been interested in intergenerational mobility,
and documenting the persistence between parents and children's outcomes has been an …
and documenting the persistence between parents and children's outcomes has been an …
Adolescence and the next generation
Adolescent growth and social development shape the early development of offspring from
preconception through to the post-partum period through distinct processes in males and …
preconception through to the post-partum period through distinct processes in males and …
Long-term and intergenerational effects of education: Evidence from school construction in Indonesia
We study long-term and intergenerational effects of the 1970s Indonesian school
construction program. Exploiting variation across birth cohorts and districts in the number of …
construction program. Exploiting variation across birth cohorts and districts in the number of …
Well-being dynamics and poverty traps
A sound understanding of poverty traps—defined as poverty that is self-reinforcing due to
the poor's equilibrium behaviors—and their underlying mechanisms is fundamentally …
the poor's equilibrium behaviors—and their underlying mechanisms is fundamentally …
Economic benefits of investing in women's health: a systematic review
Background Globally, the status of women's health falls short of its potential. In addition to
the deleterious ethical and human rights implications of this deficit, the negative economic …
the deleterious ethical and human rights implications of this deficit, the negative economic …
First-and second-generation impacts of the Biafran war
We analyze long-term impacts of the 1967–1970 Nigerian Civil War, providing the first
evidence of intergenerational impacts. War exposure among women results in reduced adult …
evidence of intergenerational impacts. War exposure among women results in reduced adult …
The aggregate income losses from childhood stunting and the returns to a nutrition intervention aimed at reducing stunting
We undertake two calculations, one for all develo** countries, the other for 34 develo**
countries that together account for 90% of the world's stunted children. The first asks how …
countries that together account for 90% of the world's stunted children. The first asks how …
[HTML][HTML] Maternal education and child health: Causal evidence from Denmark
This study examines how maternal education shapes the life and health of their children.
Causal effects are identified from a Danish school reform that increased minimum …
Causal effects are identified from a Danish school reform that increased minimum …
When measure matters: Coresidency, truncation bias, and intergenerational mobility in develo** countries
Biases from truncation caused by coresidency restriction have been a challenge for
research on intergenerational mobility. Estimates of intergenerational schooling persistence …
research on intergenerational mobility. Estimates of intergenerational schooling persistence …