[HTML][HTML] Holocene sea-level rise and coastal aquifer interactions: Triggering mechanisms for environmental change and impacts on human settlement patterns at Dor …
Future sea-level rise is expected to affect coastal aquifers and environments and have
significant impacts on coastal communities. Here, we describe the impact of early to late …
significant impacts on coastal communities. Here, we describe the impact of early to late …
Can we detect centennial sea-level variations over the last three thousand years in Israeli archaeological records?
Archaeological remains are valuable relative sea-level (RSL) indicators in Israel, a
tectonically stable coast with minor isostatic inputs. Previous research has used …
tectonically stable coast with minor isostatic inputs. Previous research has used …
Shifting the Sands–Early Islamic Modification of the Caesarea Sandy Lowlands into Plot-and-Berm Water-Harvesting Agroecosystem
ABSTRACT During the Early Islamic period, several emerging agricultural innovations
enabled the cultivation of summer crops in unproductive Mediterranean lands. This …
enabled the cultivation of summer crops in unproductive Mediterranean lands. This …
Advances in geoethics and groundwater management: theory and practice for a sustainable development
M Abrunhosa, A Chambel, S Peppoloni… - Proceedings of the 1st …, 2020 - Springer
This book gathers the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 1st congress on Geoethics &
Groundwater Management (GEOETH&GWM'20), held in Porto, Portugal, in an online format …
Groundwater Management (GEOETH&GWM'20), held in Porto, Portugal, in an online format …
An Early Islamic inter-settlement agroecosystem in the coastal sand of the Yavneh dunefield, Israel
This study examines the remains of an agricultural complex found in the Yavneh coastal
dunefield, central Israel. Known as a plot-and-berm agroecosystem, the complex consisted …
dunefield, central Israel. Known as a plot-and-berm agroecosystem, the complex consisted …
“He who revives dead land”: groundwater harvesting agroecosystems in sand along the southeastern Mediterranean coast since early medieval times
Abstract During the Early Islamic period, groundwater-harvesting agroecosystems in sand
appeared along the southeastern Mediterranean coast in the form of plot and berm (P&B) …
appeared along the southeastern Mediterranean coast in the form of plot and berm (P&B) …
New perspectives on coastal landscape reconstruction during the Late Quaternary: A test case from central Israel
The stratigraphic architecture of coastal plains is determined by the interactions between
local (eg fluvial processes and topography), regional (eg climate) and global (eg sea level) …
local (eg fluvial processes and topography), regional (eg climate) and global (eg sea level) …
Limekiln services soil enrichment and water retention of an Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm groundwater-harvesting agroecosystem in coastal dunes near Caesarea …
Limekilns, common throughout the southern Levant in carbonate rock highlands, were rare
in aeolian sand terrains. This study presents for the first time a limekiln within an …
in aeolian sand terrains. This study presents for the first time a limekiln within an …
[HTML][HTML] Refuse Usage and Architectural Reuse in the Field: A View from the Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm Agroecosystem to the South of Caesarea/Qaysariyya (Israel)
Based on the mostly unpublished finds of a 1970s excavation and the initial results of a
2020 survey and excavation of the remains of an Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm (P&B) …
2020 survey and excavation of the remains of an Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm (P&B) …
New relative sea-level (RSL) indications from the Eastern Mediterranean: Middle Bronze Age to the Roman period (~ 3800–1800 y BP) archaeological constructions …
This article presents new archaeological observations and multidisciplinary research from
Dor, Israel to establish a more reliable relative sea level for the Carmel Coast and Southern …
Dor, Israel to establish a more reliable relative sea level for the Carmel Coast and Southern …