Does exposure to counterstereotypical role models influence girls' and women's gender stereotypes and career choices? A review of social psychological research
Gender roles are formed in early childhood and continue to influence behavior through
adolescence and adulthood, including the choice of academic majors and careers. In many …
adolescence and adulthood, including the choice of academic majors and careers. In many …
A review of research methods in IO/OB work-family research.
A methodological review was conducted of work-family (WF) research published in industrial-
organizational psychology and organizational behavior journals over a period of 24 years …
organizational psychology and organizational behavior journals over a period of 24 years …
Anticipated work‐family conflict: Effects of gender, self‐efficacy, and family background
RG Cinamon - The career development quarterly, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
Anticipated levels of 2 types of work‐family conflict (WFC) were studied among 358 students
from 2 universities. The study examined the contribution of gender, parental models of child …
from 2 universities. The study examined the contribution of gender, parental models of child …
So close, yet so far away: The impact of varying marital horizons on emerging adulthood
This article presents a marital horizon theory of emerging adulthood that posits that young
people's perceptions of marriage are central factors in determining subgroup differences in …
people's perceptions of marriage are central factors in determining subgroup differences in …
Work and family issues in the hospitality industry: Perspectives of entrants, managers, and spouses
With smaller, more efficient workforces, hotel organizations are competing to retain highly
valued managers. Work stress and burnout are often cited as precursors to work and family …
valued managers. Work stress and burnout are often cited as precursors to work and family …
Perceptions of the transition to adulthood among Chinese and American emerging adults
S Badger, LJ Nelson… - International Journal of …, 2006 -
This study explored cultural differences in the criteria young people have for becoming an
adult. Specifically, the study sought (a) to compare Chinese and American responses …
adult. Specifically, the study sought (a) to compare Chinese and American responses …
[КНИГА][B] Family communication: Nurturing and control in a changing world
BA Le Poire - 2006 -
Family Communication organizes the study of family communication around the concepts of
nurturing and control which allows the consideration of communication in all family …
nurturing and control which allows the consideration of communication in all family …
Parents as role models: Parental behavior affects adolescents' plans for work involvement
This study (N= 520 high-school students) investigates the influence of parental work
involvement on adolescents' own plans regarding their future work involvement. As …
involvement on adolescents' own plans regarding their future work involvement. As …
Gender and the military profession: Early career influences, attitudes, and intentions
As increasing numbers of women are recruited into the US Navy, retention of women
(especially in combat occupational specialties) lags behind men. Data indicate that women …
(especially in combat occupational specialties) lags behind men. Data indicate that women …
Happiness, post-materialist values, and the unmarried
E Kislev - Journal of happiness Studies, 2018 - Springer
With the rise of individualism and post-materialist values comes the fall in the importance of
marriage. However, it is still not clear how these two processes affect each other in terms of …
marriage. However, it is still not clear how these two processes affect each other in terms of …