Deep-brain optical recording of neural dynamics during behavior
In vivo fluorescence recording techniques have produced landmark discoveries in
neuroscience, providing insight into how single cell and circuit-level computations mediate …
neuroscience, providing insight into how single cell and circuit-level computations mediate …
The unbearable slowness of being: Why do we live at 10 bits/s?
This article is about the neural conundrum behind the slowness of human behavior. The
information throughput of a human being is about 10 bits/s. In comparison, our sensory …
information throughput of a human being is about 10 bits/s. In comparison, our sensory …
Mouse frontal cortex mediates additive multisensory decisions
The brain can combine auditory and visual information to localize objects. However, the
cortical substrates underlying audiovisual integration remain uncertain. Here, we show that …
cortical substrates underlying audiovisual integration remain uncertain. Here, we show that …
A latent pool of neurons silenced by sensory-evoked inhibition can be recruited to enhance perception
To investigate which activity patterns in sensory cortex are relevant for perceptual decision-
making, we combined two-photon calcium imaging and targeted two-photon optogenetics to …
making, we combined two-photon calcium imaging and targeted two-photon optogenetics to …
A comprehensive, affordable, open-source hardware-software solution for flexible implementation of complex behaviors in head-fixed mice
Experiments that take advantage of head-fixed behavioral tasks have been a staple of
systems neuroscience research for half a century. More recently, rodents came to the …
systems neuroscience research for half a century. More recently, rodents came to the …
Visual experience orthogonalizes visual cortical stimulus responses via population code transformation
Sensory and behavioral experience can alter visual cortical stimulus coding, but the precise
form of this plasticity is unclear. We measured orientation tuning in 4,000-neuron …
form of this plasticity is unclear. We measured orientation tuning in 4,000-neuron …
The virtual-environment-foraging task enables rapid training and single-trial metrics of attention in head-fixed mice
Attention–the flexible allocation of processing resources based on behavioural demands–is
essential to survival. Mouse research offers unique tools to dissect the underlying pathways …
essential to survival. Mouse research offers unique tools to dissect the underlying pathways …
Supporting generalization in non-human primate behavior by tap** into structural knowledge: Examples from sensorimotor map**s, inference, and decision …
The complex behaviors we ultimately wish to understand are far from those currently used in
systems neuroscience laboratories. A salient difference are the closed loops between action …
systems neuroscience laboratories. A salient difference are the closed loops between action …
[HTML][HTML] Enhanced perceptual task performance without deprivation in mice using medial forebrain bundle stimulation
A Verdier, N Dominique, D Groussard, A Aldanondo… - Cell Reports …, 2022 -
Perceptual decision-making tasks are essential to many fields of neuroscience. Current
protocols generally reward deprived animals with water. However, balancing animals' …
protocols generally reward deprived animals with water. However, balancing animals' …
Reward modulates visual responses in the superficial superior colliculus of mice
The processing of sensory input is constantly adapting to behavioral demands and internal
states. The drive to obtain reward, eg, searching for water when thirsty, is a strong …
states. The drive to obtain reward, eg, searching for water when thirsty, is a strong …