[HTML][HTML] Chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on reservoir and seal rocks: A review on laboratory experiments
Geological carbon storage is one of the technologies required to arrive at the ambitious yet
realistic net-zero emission target and climate change neutrality. Injected CO 2 in geological …
realistic net-zero emission target and climate change neutrality. Injected CO 2 in geological …
Status of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers with emphasis on modeling approaches and practical simulations
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is the only viable technology to mitigate carbon
emissions while allowing continued large‐scale use of fossil fuels. The storage part of CCS …
emissions while allowing continued large‐scale use of fossil fuels. The storage part of CCS …
A Review of CO2 Storage in View of Safety and Cost-Effectiveness
The emissions of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, have been identified as the main
contributor for global warming and climate change. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is …
contributor for global warming and climate change. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is …
Fault activation and induced seismicity in geological carbon storage–Lessons learned from recent modeling studies
In the light of current concerns related to induced seismicity associated with geological
carbon sequestration (GCS), this paper summarizes lessons learned from recent modeling …
carbon sequestration (GCS), this paper summarizes lessons learned from recent modeling …
Modeling of fault reactivation and induced seismicity during hydraulic fracturing of shale-gas reservoirs
We have conducted numerical simulation studies to assess the potential for injection-
induced fault reactivation and notable seismic events associated with shale-gas hydraulic …
induced fault reactivation and notable seismic events associated with shale-gas hydraulic …
CO2 breakthrough—Caprock sealing efficiency and integrity for carbon geological storage
Small pores in high specific surface clay-rich caprocks give rise to high capillary entry
pressures and high viscous drag that hinder the migration of buoyant carbon dioxide CO 2 …
pressures and high viscous drag that hinder the migration of buoyant carbon dioxide CO 2 …
Geomechanical behavior of the reservoir and caprock system at the In Salah CO2 storage project
Almost 4 million metric tons of CO2 were injected at the In Salah CO2 storage site between
2004 and 2011. Storage integrity at the site is provided by a 950-m-thick caprock that sits …
2004 and 2011. Storage integrity at the site is provided by a 950-m-thick caprock that sits …
[HTML][HTML] Induced seismicity in geologic carbon storage
Geologic carbon storage, as well as other geo-energy applications, such as geothermal
energy, seasonal natural gas storage and subsurface energy storage imply fluid injection …
energy, seasonal natural gas storage and subsurface energy storage imply fluid injection …
CO2 migration and pressure evolution in deep saline aquifers
In 2005, the IPPC Special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage (SRCCS)
summarized the state of knowledge about CCS as an emerging technology for reducing CO …
summarized the state of knowledge about CCS as an emerging technology for reducing CO …
Geomechanical effects on CO2 leakage through fault zones during large-scale underground injection
The importance of geomechanics—including the potential for faults to reactivate during large-
scale geologic carbon sequestration operations—has recently become more widely …
scale geologic carbon sequestration operations—has recently become more widely …