Modeling and analyzing MAPE-K feedback loops for self-adaptation
The MAPE-K (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute over a shared Knowledge) feedback loop is
the most influential reference control model for autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This …
the most influential reference control model for autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This …
MultiVeStA: Statistical model checking for discrete event simulators
S Sebastio, A Vandin - 2013 - eprints.imtlucca.it
The modeling, analysis and performance evaluation of large-scale systems are difficult
tasks. Due to the size and complexity of the considered systems, an approach typically …
tasks. Due to the size and complexity of the considered systems, an approach typically …
The SCEL language: design, implementation, verification
Abstract SCEL (Service Component Ensemble Language) is a new language specifically
designed to rigorously model and program autonomic components and their interaction …
designed to rigorously model and program autonomic components and their interaction …
A conceptual framework for adaptation
In this position paper we present a conceptual vision of adaptation, a key feature of
autonomic systems. We put some stress on the role of control data and argue how some of …
autonomic systems. We put some stress on the role of control data and argue how some of …
Formal verification approaches of self-adaptive systems: a survey
Today, develo** self-adaptive systems is very challenging due to their increasing
complexity and dynamism. Consequently, ensuring the correctness of their behavior is a …
complexity and dynamism. Consequently, ensuring the correctness of their behavior is a …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling Adaptive Systems with Nets-Within-Nets in Maude.
L Capra, M Köhler-Bussmeier - ENASE, 2023 - scitepress.org
Systems able to dynamically adapt their behaviour gain growing attention to raising service
quality by reducing development costs. On the other hand, adaptation is a major source of …
quality by reducing development costs. On the other hand, adaptation is a major source of …
Towards a formal verification methodology for collective robotic systems
We present a novel formal verification approach for collective robotic systems that is based
on the use of the formal language K laim and related analysis tools. While existing …
on the use of the formal language K laim and related analysis tools. While existing …
Model checking for safe navigation among humans
We investigate the use of probabilistic model checking to synthesise optimal strategies for
autonomous systems that operate among uncontrollable agents such as humans. To …
autonomous systems that operate among uncontrollable agents such as humans. To …
Reasoning (on) service component ensembles in rewriting logic
Programming autonomic systems with massive number of heterogeneous components
poses a number of challenges to language designers and software engineers and requires …
poses a number of challenges to language designers and software engineers and requires …
[HTML][HTML] Modelling and analyzing adaptive self-assembly strategies with Maude
Building adaptive systems with predictable emergent behavior is a difficult task and it is
becoming a critical need. The research community has accepted the challenge by …
becoming a critical need. The research community has accepted the challenge by …