Modeling and analyzing MAPE-K feedback loops for self-adaptation

P Arcaini, E Riccobene… - 2015 IEEE/ACM 10th …, 2015 -
The MAPE-K (Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute over a shared Knowledge) feedback loop is
the most influential reference control model for autonomic and self-adaptive systems. This …

MultiVeStA: Statistical model checking for discrete event simulators

S Sebastio, A Vandin - 2013 -
The modeling, analysis and performance evaluation of large-scale systems are difficult
tasks. Due to the size and complexity of the considered systems, an approach typically …

The SCEL language: design, implementation, verification

R De Nicola, D Latella, AL Lafuente, M Loreti… - Software Engineering for …, 2015 - Springer
Abstract SCEL (Service Component Ensemble Language) is a new language specifically
designed to rigorously model and program autonomic components and their interaction …

A conceptual framework for adaptation

R Bruni, A Corradini, F Gadducci… - … 2012, Held as Part of the …, 2012 - Springer
In this position paper we present a conceptual vision of adaptation, a key feature of
autonomic systems. We put some stress on the role of control data and argue how some of …

Formal verification approaches of self-adaptive systems: a survey

M Hachicha, RB Halima, AH Kacem - Procedia Computer Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Today, develo** self-adaptive systems is very challenging due to their increasing
complexity and dynamism. Consequently, ensuring the correctness of their behavior is a …

[PDF][PDF] Modelling Adaptive Systems with Nets-Within-Nets in Maude.

L Capra, M Köhler-Bussmeier - ENASE, 2023 -
Systems able to dynamically adapt their behaviour gain growing attention to raising service
quality by reducing development costs. On the other hand, adaptation is a major source of …

Towards a formal verification methodology for collective robotic systems

E Gjondrekaj, M Loreti, R Pugliese, F Tiezzi… - Formal Methods and …, 2012 - Springer
We present a novel formal verification approach for collective robotic systems that is based
on the use of the formal language K laim and related analysis tools. While existing …

Model checking for safe navigation among humans

S Junges, N Jansen, JP Katoen, U Topcu… - … Evaluation of Systems …, 2018 - Springer
We investigate the use of probabilistic model checking to synthesise optimal strategies for
autonomous systems that operate among uncontrollable agents such as humans. To …

Reasoning (on) service component ensembles in rewriting logic

L Belzner, R De Nicola, A Vandin, M Wirsing - Specification, Algebra, and …, 2014 - Springer
Programming autonomic systems with massive number of heterogeneous components
poses a number of challenges to language designers and software engineers and requires …

[HTML][HTML] Modelling and analyzing adaptive self-assembly strategies with Maude

R Bruni, A Corradini, F Gadducci, AL Lafuente… - Science of Computer …, 2015 - Elsevier
Building adaptive systems with predictable emergent behavior is a difficult task and it is
becoming a critical need. The research community has accepted the challenge by …