[PDF][PDF] Design of robust & predictive controller for altitude stabilization and trajectory tracking of a quad-copter
Controlling the non-linear dynamics of the quad-copter has stimulated many control
engineers to investigate & design the variety of controllers in order to control and stabilize …
engineers to investigate & design the variety of controllers in order to control and stabilize …
Techno-economical optimization of energy storage for increased wind farm integration
L Espevik - 2020 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
The problem with an increasing share of renewable energy sources (RES) is that the
fluctuating nature of some of the most prominent RES, wind turbines and solar photovoltaic …
fluctuating nature of some of the most prominent RES, wind turbines and solar photovoltaic …
Controlling the Altitude Dynamics of Quadcopter using Robust Output Feedback Controller
This paper deals with observer based controlling and stabilization of the nonlinear dynamics
of the quadcopter and in order to explore the complex dynamics of the quadcopter, the only …
of the quadcopter and in order to explore the complex dynamics of the quadcopter, the only …
Optimal investment portfolio management with hierarchical control for energy markets: An hierarchical control approach for smart grids
PA Deossa Molina - 2016 - repositorio.unal.edu.co
En la cadena de oferta y demanda de energía, en general, la conexión entre los
generadores y la carga se establece por medio de las empresas comercializadoras de …
generadores y la carga se establece por medio de las empresas comercializadoras de …