[HTML][HTML] A review of contemporary governance challenges in Oman: can blockchain technology be part of sustainable solutions?

L Goldsmith, AK Shaikh, HY Tan, K Raahemifar - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
Oman is considering adopting the latest e-governance technology, including Blockchain-
based. While much research was conducted into the benefits and risks of Blockchain-based …

“Switzerland of Arabia”: Omani Foreign Policy and Mediation Efforts in the Middle East

J Worrall - The International Spectator, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
In recent years, Oman has been recognised as a key mediator in the Gulf and the wider
Middle East. The successful completion of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, in particular, firmly …

Political settlements and the politics of transformation: Where do 'inclusive institutions' come from?

A Rocha Menocal - Journal of International Development, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This article analyses how political settlements can help deepen our understanding of how
underlying rules of the game and power relations shape patterns of inclusion and exclusion …

[BOK][B] Security politics in the Gulf monarchies: continuity amid change

DB Roberts - 2023 - degruyter.com
2.“Marmore: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Sovereign Wealth Funds Experience Asset
Growth,” Soveriegn Wealth Fund Institute (June 4, 2019), https://www. swfinstitute …

The exotic veil: Managing tourist perceptions of national history and statehood in Oman

S Causevic, M Neal - Tourism Management, 2019 - Elsevier
This article explores how and why some national governments seek to manage and control
tourist-oriented narratives about historic sites and artefacts. Discussing ethnographic …

[BOK][B] Afterlives of Revolution: Everyday counterhistories in southern Oman

A Wilson - 2023 - degruyter.com
The Dhufar Revolution was fought between 1965–1976, in an attempt to depose Oman's
British-backed Sultan and advance social ideals of egalitarianism and gender equality …

The search for petroleum in the Sultanate of Oman–the first 120 years

AP Heward, MQ Morton, M Al Kindi - Geological Society, London …, 2025 - lyellcollection.org
This is a story of failure and success, of disappointment and elation. World wars, a market
glutted with cheap oil and geologists unable to access areas of interest hampered the …

Order beyond the state: explaining Somaliland's avoidance of maritime piracy

JV Hastings, SG Phillips - The Journal of Modern African Studies, 2018 - cambridge.org
How do some places with weak institutional capacity avoid being caught in the cycles of
violence and criminality so often associated with African institutions in the 'failed states' …

The Power of Partnerships: Explaining Oman's Independent Foreign Policy

TB Parker - The Middle East Journal, 2024 - ingentaconnect.com
How and why does Oman maintain an independent foreign policy that is neither allied,
neutral, nor dependent? Previous arguments have emphasized the importance of Oman's …

Dueling Legacies: Which Sultan Deserves Credit for Oman's Oil-Driven Development?

J Krane - The Middle East Journal, 2023 - ingentaconnect.com
This article argues that Sultan Sa'id bin Taymur played a more fundamental role in
develo** Oman than what is commonly portrayed. With British backing, Sultan Sa'id …