[HTML][HTML] Multi-user routing algorithm for indoor spaces–Adapted for social distancing

A Alamri, RA Alturki, S Alamri - Journal of King Saud University-Computer …, 2022 - Elsevier
The development of techniques and systems for indicating routes in outdoor and indoor
spaces has received a great deal of attention. While outdoor route planning is based on …

C-tree: Efficient cell-based indexing of indoor mobile objects

S Alamri, D Taniar, K Nguyen, A Alamri - Journal of Ambient Intelligence …, 2020 - Springer
With the increasing popularity of indoor positioning system technologies, many applications
have become available that allow moving objects to be monitored and queried on the basis …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamic real-time capacity constrained routing algorithm for evacuation planning problem

J Abusalama, S Razali, YH Choo… - Indonesian Journal …, 2020 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Usually, disasters occur over a relatively short time anytime and anywhere. Most
occupancies do not have absolute knowledge about the prevention or safety consciousness …

Spatial data managements in indoor environments: Current trends, limitations and future challenges

S Alamri - International Journal of Web Information Systems, 2018 - emerald.com
Purpose With the rapid development of the indoor spaces positioning technologies such as
the radio-frequency identification (RFID), Bluetooth and WI-FI, the locations of indoor spatial …

Anonymous Trajectory Method for Indoor Users for Privacy Protection

S Alamri - … Conference on Computational Science and Its …, 2022 - Springer
The privacy of the trajectories of indoor space users is just as important as that of the users
of outdoor spaces. Many users of indoor spaces consider it very important to maintain the …

An efficient spatial zoning algorithm for maintaining social distancing in open indoor spaces

S Alamri - International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2022 - inderscienceonline.com
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous workplaces, organisations, and public venues
closed their doors. Recently, many have reopened under social distancing restrictions …

[PDF][PDF] Multi-floor indoor trajectory reconstruction using mobile devices

S Alamri, K Nurfalah, K Adhinugraha - 2021 - opal.latrobe.edu.au
An indoor trajectory is the path of an object moving through corridors and stairs inside a
building. There are various types of technologies that can be used to reconstruct the path of …

Mobile guidance system for evacuation based on wi-fi system and node architecture

T Raju, WS Kim - Journal of Information Technology Applications …, 2019 - koreascience.kr
Recently great loss of life and property is occurring because of fire, natural disaster, earth
quake, tsunami and so on. People spend 80~ 90% of their time indoor environment like …

Adaptation of k-nearest neighbor queries for inter-building environment

D Andini, DDJ Suwawi, KM Adhinugraha… - … Science and Its …, 2018 - Springer
Nearest neighbor (kNN) is a spatial query where its main aim is to find k nearest object
around a query point. This query has been widely used in outdoor environment to obtain …

Indoor Framework: Data Structure, Navigation, Routing, and Trajectories in Indoor Spaces

S Alamri - International Journal of Web Services Research …, 2022 - igi-global.com
The tracking of spatial objects in indoor location-based services is becoming increasingly
important for many applications. However, much research has focused only on querying and …