Anomalous diffusion, aging, and nonergodicity of scaled Brownian motion with fractional Gaussian noise: Overview of related experimental observations and models
How does a systematic time-dependence of the diffusion coefficient D (t) affect the ergodic
and statistical characteristics of fractional Brownian motion (FBM)? Here, we answer this …
and statistical characteristics of fractional Brownian motion (FBM)? Here, we answer this …
Time averaging and emerging nonergodicity upon resetting of fractional Brownian motion and heterogeneous diffusion processes
How different are the results of constant-rate resetting of anomalous-diffusion processes in
terms of their ensemble-averaged versus time-averaged mean-squared displacements …
terms of their ensemble-averaged versus time-averaged mean-squared displacements …
Fractional Brownian motion with random diffusivity: emerging residual nonergodicity below the correlation time
Numerous examples for a priori unexpected non-Gaussian behaviour for normal and
anomalous diffusion have recently been reported in single-particle tracking experiments …
anomalous diffusion have recently been reported in single-particle tracking experiments …
Anomalous diffusion, nonergodicity, non-Gaussianity, and aging of fractional Brownian motion with nonlinear clocks
How do nonlinear clocks in time and/or space affect the fundamental properties of a
stochastic process? Specifically, how precisely may ergodic processes such as fractional …
stochastic process? Specifically, how precisely may ergodic processes such as fractional …
A mini-review of the diffusion dynamics of DNA-binding proteins: experiments and models
In the course of various biological processes, specific DNA-binding proteins must efficiently
find a particular target sequence/protein or a damaged site on the DNA. DNA-binding …
find a particular target sequence/protein or a damaged site on the DNA. DNA-binding …
Random walks of intermittently self-propelled particles
Motivated by various recent experimental findings, we propose a dynamical model of
intermittently self-propelled particles: active particles that recurrently switch between two …
intermittently self-propelled particles: active particles that recurrently switch between two …
Anomalous diffusion, nonergodicity, and ageing for exponentially and logarithmically time-dependent diffusivity: striking differences for massive versus massless …
Anomalous diffusion, nonergodicity, and ageing for exponentially and logarithmically time-dependent
diffusivity: striking differences for massive versus massless particles - IOPscience This site …
diffusivity: striking differences for massive versus massless particles - IOPscience This site …
Fast-field-cycling ultralow-field nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion
Optically pumped magnetometers (OPMs) based on alkali-atom vapors are ultra-sensitive
devices for dc and low-frequency ac magnetic measurements. Here, in combination with fast …
devices for dc and low-frequency ac magnetic measurements. Here, in combination with fast …
Generalized Langevin equation with fluctuating diffusivity
T Miyaguchi - Physical Review Research, 2022 - APS
A generalized Langevin equation with fluctuating diffusivity (GLEFD) is proposed, and it is
shown that the GLEFD satisfies a generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation. If the memory …
shown that the GLEFD satisfies a generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation. If the memory …