Inventory, differentiation, and proportional diversity: a consistent terminology for quantifying species diversity

G Jurasinski, V Retzer, C Beierkuhnlein - Oecologia, 2009 - Springer
Almost half a century after Whittaker (Ecol Monogr 30: 279–338, 1960) proposed his
influential diversity concept, it is time for a critical reappraisal. Although the terms alpha, beta …

A modified-Whittaker nested vegetation sampling method

TJ Stohlgren, MB Falkner, LD Schell - Vegetatio, 1995 - Springer
A standardized sampling technique for measuring plant diversity is needed to assist in
resource inventories and for monitoring long-term trends in vascular plant species richness …

Clonality in plant communities-an overview

B Oborny, S Bartha - Abstracta Botanica, 1995 - JSTOR
This paper reviews the literature on the biology of clonal plants with emphasis on the
ecological consequences of clonality at the community level. The hierarchical (genet-ramet) …

[КНИГА][B] Measuring plant diversity: lessons from the field

TJ Stohlgren - 2007 -
Most textbooks on measuring terrestrial vegetation have focused on the characteristics of
biomass, cover, and the density or frequency of dominant life forms (trees, shrubs, grasses …

GrassPlot-a database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands

J Dengler, V Wagner, I Dembicz, I García-Mijangos… - …, 2018 -
GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry
Grassland Group (EDGG) and listed in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD …

[КНИГА][B] Multivariate data analysis in ecology and systematics: a methodological guide to the SYN-TAX 5.0 package.

J Podani - 1994 -
This book provides a guide to the theoretical details of multivariate statistical procedures
included in SYN-TAX 5.0, a package of computer programs designed for data analysis in …

Richness of bryophyte vegetation in near-natural and managed beech stands: the effects of management-induced differences in dead wood

P Ódor, T Standovár - Ecological bulletins, 2001 - JSTOR
In order to explore the importance of near-natural beech forest in maintaining the diversity of
bryophytes, a near-natural montane beech stand was compared with five neighbouring …

Comparison of ecological communities: the problem of sample representativeness

Y Cao, DD Williams, DP Larsen - Ecological monographs, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Obtaining an adequate, representative sample of ecological communities to make taxon
richness (TR) or compositional comparisons among sites is a continuing challenge …

[HTML][HTML] The diversity of within-community plant species combinations: A new tool for assessing changes in forests and guiding protection actions

S Chelli, JL Tsakalos, Z Zhu, LLM De Benedictis… - Ecological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Biodiversity is changing rapidly, and ecologists use various measures to monitor and
conserve it, but not all are equally effective. In the European temperate forests, ecologists …

Sampling effort affects multivariate comparisons of stream assemblages

Y Cao, DP Larsen, RM Hughes… - Journal of the North …, 2002 -
Multivariate analyses are used widely for determining patterns of assemblage structure,
inferring species–environment relationships and assessing human impacts on ecosystems …