Ferrimagnetic spintronics
Ferrimagnets composed of multiple and antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic elements
have attracted much attention recently as a material platform for spintronics. They offer the …
have attracted much attention recently as a material platform for spintronics. They offer the …
Interface-induced phenomena in magnetism
This article reviews static and dynamic interfacial effects in magnetism, focusing on
interfacially driven magnetic effects and phenomena associated with spin-orbit coupling and …
interfacially driven magnetic effects and phenomena associated with spin-orbit coupling and …
Deterministic all-optical switching of synthetic ferrimagnets using single femtosecond laser pulses
We experimentally demonstrate single-pulse all-optical switching in Pt/Co/Gd stacks using
linearly polarized laser pulses. This shows that thermal single-pulse switching is not limited …
linearly polarized laser pulses. This shows that thermal single-pulse switching is not limited …
Ultrafast and reversible control of the exchange interaction in Mott insulators
The strongest interaction between microscopic spins in magnetic materials is the exchange
interaction J ex. Therefore, ultrafast control of J ex holds the promise to control spins on …
interaction J ex. Therefore, ultrafast control of J ex holds the promise to control spins on …
Role of element-specific dam** in ultrafast, helicity-independent, all-optical switching dynamics in amorphous (Gd, Tb) Co thin films
Ultrafast control of the magnetization in ps timescales by fs laser pulses offers an attractive
avenue for applications such as fast magnetic devices for logic and memory. However …
avenue for applications such as fast magnetic devices for logic and memory. However …
Nanoscale sub-100 picosecond all-optical magnetization switching in GdFeCo microstructures
Ultrafast magnetization reversal driven by femtosecond laser pulses has been shown to be a
promising way to write information. Seeking to improve the recording density has raised …
promising way to write information. Seeking to improve the recording density has raised …
Ultrafast and distinct spin dynamics in magnetic alloys
Controlling magnetic order on ultrashort timescales is crucial for engineering the next-
generation magnetic devices that combine ultrafast data processing with ultrahigh-density …
generation magnetic devices that combine ultrafast data processing with ultrahigh-density …
All-optical switching in granular ferromagnets caused by magnetic circular dichroism
Magnetic recording using circularly polarised femto-second laser pulses is an emerging
technology that would allow write speeds much faster than existing field driven methods …
technology that would allow write speeds much faster than existing field driven methods …
Switching of the RKKY coupling on a topological crystalline insulating surface
BD Hoi - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
The ability to switch between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) coupling in a
material would increase the spintronic applications. To contribute, we focus on the …
material would increase the spintronic applications. To contribute, we focus on the …
The Landau–Lifshitz equation in atomistic models
The Landau–Lifshitz (LL) equation, originally proposed at the macrospin level, is
increasingly used in Atomistic Spin Dynamic (ASD) models. These models are based on a …
increasingly used in Atomistic Spin Dynamic (ASD) models. These models are based on a …