Topic modeling using latent Dirichlet allocation: A survey

U Chauhan, A Shah - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021 -
We are not able to deal with a mammoth text corpus without summarizing them into a
relatively small subset. A computational tool is extremely needed to understand such a …

Image segmentation techniques: statistical, comprehensive, semi-automated analysis and an application perspective analysis of mathematical expressions

Sakshi, V Kukreja - Archives of computational Methods in Engineering, 2023 - Springer
Segmentation has been a rooted area of research having diverse dimensions. The roots of
image segmentation and its associated techniques have supported computer vision, pattern …

Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and topic modeling: models, applications, a survey

H Jelodar, Y Wang, C Yuan, X Feng, X Jiang… - Multimedia tools and …, 2019 - Springer
Topic modeling is one of the most powerful techniques in text mining for data mining, latent
data discovery, and finding relationships among data and text documents. Researchers …

The role played by government communication on the level of public fear in social media: An investigation into the Covid-19 crisis in Italy

R Lerouge, MD Lema, M Arnaboldi - Government Information Quarterly, 2023 - Elsevier
In situations of crisis, governments must acknowledge that communication is a major
weapon in their armoury, and can be used to convince the public to accept sometimes …

Urdu language processing: a survey

A Daud, W Khan, D Che - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2017 - Springer
Extensive work has been done on different activities of natural language processing for
Western languages as compared to its Eastern counterparts particularly South Asian …

Additive regularization of topic models

K Vorontsov, A Potapenko - Machine Learning, 2015 - Springer
Probabilistic topic modeling of text collections has been recently developed mainly within
the framework of graphical models and Bayesian inference. In this paper we introduce an …

(Un) covering the COVID-19 pandemic: Framing analysis of the crisis in Canada

W Poirier, C Ouellet, MA Rancourt… - Canadian Journal of …, 2020 -
The current COVID-19 crisis is unprecedented in recent history. On April 1, 2020, the
Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, warned that the world was facing …

Virtual teams: a smart literature review of four decades of research

T Kimura - Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The increasing utilization of virtual teams—driven by advancements in information and
communication technology and the forces of globalization—has spurred significant growth in …

Chinese public opinion on Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge: A case study of Weibo comments based on a thematic model

X Pu, Q Jiang, B Fan - Ocean & Coastal Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Japan's plan to dump nuclear wastewater into the sea has generated a tremendous amount
of discussion on social media due to the potential wide-ranging impact. To our knowledge …

A review of stability in topic modeling: Metrics for assessing and techniques for improving stability

A Hosseiny Marani, EPS Baumer - ACM Computing Surveys, 2023 -
Topic modeling includes a variety of machine learning techniques for identifying latent
themes in a corpus of documents. Generating an exact solution (ie, finding global optimum) …