La música también cuenta: combinando matemáticas y música en el aula
AC Ibáñez, CC Aguilera… - Revista electrónica de …, 2014 -
Es bien conocida la estrecha e histórica relación entre música y matemática. De hecho,
numerosos músicos y científicos han puesto de manifiesto las conexiones existentes entre …
numerosos músicos y científicos han puesto de manifiesto las conexiones existentes entre …
[HTML][HTML] A basis for the design of a curriculum incorporating music and drama in children's english language instruction
M Rodríguez-Bonces - Profile Issues in TeachersProfessional …, 2017 -
Abstract RODRIGUEZ-BONCES, Mónica. A Basis for the Design of a Curriculum
Incorporating Music and Drama in Children's English Language Instruction. profile [online] …
Incorporating Music and Drama in Children's English Language Instruction. profile [online] …
Do you speak... music? Facing the challenges of training teachers on integration
Integrated work on different parts of the curriculum is a major challenge for teachers who
have been trained within a system that views the different subjects in isolation. This article …
have been trained within a system that views the different subjects in isolation. This article …
Music as an enhacer of EFL spelling skills in diverse secondary classrooms
S García-Carmona, A Fernández-Corbacho - Linguo Didactica, 2022 -
This research has as a main aim to check the benefits of using music in the FL classrooms,
specifically with students who present lower proficiency levels in the target language. In …
specifically with students who present lower proficiency levels in the target language. In …
Integrated Music and Language Learning: The European Music Portfolio-A Creative Way into Languages
Abstract The European Music Portfolio: A Creative Way into Languages (EMP-L) is a project
that aims to support music and language learning in the primary classroom (for details about …
that aims to support music and language learning in the primary classroom (for details about …
Computational models of multimodal interaction for music generation and music information retrieval
K Kritsis - 2023 -
Η έρευνα στον τομέα της μουσικής αλληλεπίδρασης απαιτεί τη χρήση διεπιστημονικών μέσων
κατανόησης βασισμένων σε δυναμικές αντιλήψεις. Με αυτήν την έννοια, οι κύριες …
κατανόησης βασισμένων σε δυναμικές αντιλήψεις. Με αυτήν την έννοια, οι κύριες …
Schulmusik für alle?
M Cslovjecsek - Schulmusik für alle?, 2023 -
1 Hinsichtlich einer gendersensiblen und für automatisierte Leseprogramme lesbaren
Sprache wurde nach Möglichkeit ein genderneutraler Begriff, oder, bei Aufzählungen die …
Sprache wurde nach Möglichkeit ein genderneutraler Begriff, oder, bei Aufzählungen die …
[PDF][PDF] Integrating music and language contents and skills in the academic course English language for children through songs and movement
AL Stošić, NZ Janković - Inovacije u nastavi-časopis za …, 2020 -
Finally, a valuable experience for us: as the course progressed, the students felt more and
more like a community sharing experiences through teamwork, just as their professors did …
more like a community sharing experiences through teamwork, just as their professors did …
[PDF][PDF] Интегрисање музичких и језичких садржаја и вештина у оквиру предмета Енглески језик за децу уз песму и покрет
АЛ Стошић, НЗ Јанковић - Teaching Innovations/Inovacije u …, 2020 -
Резиме: Песма је музички садржај у коме су мелодија и поетски текст сједињени, па је
идеално средство за рад на свим музичким активностима са децом предшколског и …
идеално средство за рад на свим музичким активностима са децом предшколског и …
L'utilisation de la comédie musicale dans l'enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère, dans le cas particulier de la Chine
Z Zhang - 2020 -
Au cours des dernières années, la comédie musicale française a gagné en notoriété dans le
monde entier. Mozart l'opéra rock, Notre-Dame de Paris, Roméo et Juliette, etc., ont toutes …
monde entier. Mozart l'opéra rock, Notre-Dame de Paris, Roméo et Juliette, etc., ont toutes …