[HTML][HTML] Tracing 20 years of research on problematic use of the internet and social media: Theoretical models, assessment tools, and an agenda for future work
Over the past two decades, there has been increasing interest in the impact of internet use
and growing concern about whether problematic use of the internet (PUI) constitutes an …
and growing concern about whether problematic use of the internet (PUI) constitutes an …
Toward a consensus definition of pathological video-gaming: A systematic review of psychometric assessment tools
Pathological video-gaming, or its proposed DSM-V classification of “Internet Use Disorder”,
is of increasing interest to scholars and practitioners in allied health disciplines. This …
is of increasing interest to scholars and practitioners in allied health disciplines. This …
The relationship between addictive use of social media and video games and symptoms of psychiatric disorders: A large-scale cross-sectional study.
Over the last decade, research into “addictive technological behaviors” has substantially
increased. Research has also demonstrated strong associations between addictive use of …
increased. Research has also demonstrated strong associations between addictive use of …
Measurement and conceptualization of Gaming Disorder according to the World Health Organization framework: The development of the Gaming Disorder Test
Previous research on gaming disorder (GD) has highlighted key methodological and
conceptual hindrances stemming from the heterogeneity of nomenclature and the use of non …
conceptual hindrances stemming from the heterogeneity of nomenclature and the use of non …
Problematic internet use and problematic online gaming are not the same: findings from a large nationally representative adolescent sample
There is an ongoing debate in the literature whether problematic Internet use (PIU) and
problematic online gaming (POG) are two distinct conceptual and nosological entities or …
problematic online gaming (POG) are two distinct conceptual and nosological entities or …
The measurement of Internet addiction: A critical review of existing scales and their psychometric properties
Internet addiction is a recently recognized disorder which has received increasing attention
worldwide over the past two decades. This focus has led to the development of several …
worldwide over the past two decades. This focus has led to the development of several …
Benefits and harms of social media use: A latent profile analysis of emerging adults
The rise in social media use among emerging adults in the United States has been well-
documented, but researchers are still working on identifying how the type—not just the …
documented, but researchers are still working on identifying how the type—not just the …
The relationship between internet addiction, social anxiety, impulsivity, self-esteem, and depression in a sample of Turkish undergraduate medical students
Internet addiction (IA) is currently becoming a serious mental health problem. The aim of this
study was to estimate the prevalence of IA among undergraduate medical students and …
study was to estimate the prevalence of IA among undergraduate medical students and …
The Bergen Shop** Addiction Scale: Reliability and validity of a brief screening test
Although excessive and compulsive shop** has been increasingly placed within the
behavioral addiction paradigm in recent years, items in existing screens arguably do not …
behavioral addiction paradigm in recent years, items in existing screens arguably do not …
Cross-cultural study of Problematic Internet Use in nine European countries
The main objective of the present study was to investigate the relationships between
Problematic Internet Use (PIU) and time spent online, online activities and psychopathology …
Problematic Internet Use (PIU) and time spent online, online activities and psychopathology …