Phylogenetic, morphological and niche differentiation unveil new species limits for the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)

PI Mônico, JA Soto-Centeno - Royal Society Open …, 2024 -
Phylogeographic accounts of mammals across fragmented landscapes show high levels of
genetic, morphological and ecological variation. The big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) …

Landscape genetic analyses reveal fine‐scale effects of forest fragmentation in an insular tropical bird

A Khimoun, W Peterman, C Eraud, B Faivre… - Molecular …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Within the framework of landscape genetics, resistance surface modelling is particularly
relevant to explicitly test competing hypotheses about landscape effects on gene flow. To …

Habitat fragmentation, not habitat loss, drives the prevalence of blood parasites in a Caribbean passerine

A Pérez‐Rodríguez, A Khimoun, A Ollivier… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat destruction due to human land‐use activities is well recognized as a central threat to
biodiversity. However, there is still debate about the relative influence of its two components …

Validating graph‐based connectivity models with independent presence–absence and genetic data sets

A Daniel, P Savary, JC Foltête, A Khimoun… - Conservation …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Habitat connectivity is a key objective of current conservation policies and is commonly
modeled by landscape graphs (ie, sets of habitat patches [nodes] connected by potential …

Habitat fragmentation differentially shapes neutral and immune gene variation in a tropical bird species

A Perrin, A Khimoun, B Faivre, A Ollivier… - Heredity, 2021 -
Habitat fragmentation is a major cause of biodiversity loss, responsible for an alteration of
intraspecific patterns of neutral genetic diversity and structure. Although neutral genetic …

Comparative phylogeography of mainland and insular species of Neotropical molossid bats (Molossus)

LO Loureiro, MD Engstrom, BK Lim - Ecology and evolution, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Historical events, habitat preferences, and geographic barriers might result in distinct
genetic patterns in insular versus mainland populations. Comparison between these two …

Level of genetic differentiation affects relative performances of expressed sequence tag and genomic SSRs

A Khimoun, A Ollivier, B Faivre… - Molecular ecology …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Microsatellites, also called simple sequence repeats (SSR s), are markers of choice to
estimate relevant parameters for conservation genetics, such as migration rates, effective …

Investigating past and present carpometacarpus morphology in Mimidae: A multi-methods approach to evidence from the Guadeloupe Islands

N Jeantet, R Ledevin, M Gala, A Lenoble… - Open …, 2021 -
Past bird communities are still under-studied in several Caribbean regions, including the
Lesser Antilles. In order to improve our understanding of this area's avifauna, we explore …

[PDF][PDF] Biology and population genetics of the White-crowned Pigeon Patagioenas leucocephala, and the Scaly-naped Pigeon P. squamosa: implications for …

B Diana -
Thèse de Doctorat - Ph.D. Thesis Biology and population genetics of the White-crowned Pigeon
Patagioenas leucocephala, and the Page 1 Commission d’examen : Diana BELL, Full Professor …

[CITAT][C] Level of genetic differentiation affects relative performances of EST-and genomic SSRs

AK AK, AO AO, S Garnier