An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex
Abstract The North American Ice Sheet Complex (NAISC; consisting of the Laurentide,
Cordilleran and Innuitian ice sheets) was the largest ice mass to repeatedly grow and decay …
Cordilleran and Innuitian ice sheets) was the largest ice mass to repeatedly grow and decay …
Milankovitch theory and monsoon
The widely accepted" Milankovitch theory" explains insolation-induced waxing and waning
of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half …
of the ice sheets and their effect on the global climate on orbital timescales. In the past half …
Changing state of the climate system
2 Chapter 2 assesses observed large-scale changes in climate system drivers, key climate
indicators and 3 principal modes of variability. Chapter 3 considers model performance and …
indicators and 3 principal modes of variability. Chapter 3 considers model performance and …
Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum
Climate changes across the past 24,000 years provide key insights into Earth system
responses to external forcing. Climate model simulations, and proxy data,,,,–have …
responses to external forcing. Climate model simulations, and proxy data,,,,–have …
The PMIP4-CMIP6 Last Glacial Maximum experiments: preliminary results and comparison with the PMIP3-CMIP5 simulations
The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM,~ 21,000 years ago) has been a major focus for evaluating
how well state-of-the-art climate models simulate climate changes as large as those …
how well state-of-the-art climate models simulate climate changes as large as those …
Quantification of Asian monsoon variability from 68 ka BP through pollen-based climate reconstruction
The glacial-interglacial variability of precipitation and its driving mechanism in monsoonal
regions has long been a subject of debate. However, there are few records of quantitative …
regions has long been a subject of debate. However, there are few records of quantitative …
SPEAR: The next generation GFDL modeling system for seasonal to multidecadal prediction and projection
We document the development and simulation characteristics of the next generation
modeling system for seasonal to decadal prediction and projection at the Geophysical Fluid …
modeling system for seasonal to decadal prediction and projection at the Geophysical Fluid …
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and abrupt climate change
J Lynch-Stieglitz - Annual review of marine science, 2017 -
Abrupt changes in climate have occurred in many locations around the globe over the last
glacial cycle, with pronounced temperature swings on timescales of decades or less in the …
glacial cycle, with pronounced temperature swings on timescales of decades or less in the …
[HTML][HTML] The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6–Part 4: Scientific objectives and experimental design of the PMIP4-CMIP6 Last Glacial Maximum experiments and PMIP4 …
The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 000 years ago) is one of the suite of paleoclimate
simulations included in the current phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project …
simulations included in the current phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project …
[HTML][HTML] The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6–Part 1: Overview and over-arching analysis plan
This paper is the first of a series of four GMD papers on the PMIP4-CMIP6 experiments. Part
2 (Otto-Bliesner et al., 2017) gives details about the two PMIP4-CMIP6 interglacial …
2 (Otto-Bliesner et al., 2017) gives details about the two PMIP4-CMIP6 interglacial …