Grey wolf optimizer

S Mirjalili, SM Mirjalili, A Lewis - Advances in engineering software, 2014 - Elsevier
This work proposes a new meta-heuristic called Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) inspired by grey
wolves (Canis lupus). The GWO algorithm mimics the leadership hierarchy and hunting …

Review on the optimization methods of slow light in photonic crystal waveguide

Y Zhao, YN Zhang, Q Wang… - IEEE transactions on …, 2015 -
Slow light in photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) is now being heavily investigated for
applications in optical devices. However, slow light with high group index in perfect PCW is …

Slow light in ultracompact photonic crystal decoder

T Daghooghi, M Soroosh, K Ansari-Asl - Applied Optics, 2019 -
In this study, merging two photonic crystal-based structures, a new design for an all-optical 2-
to-4 decoder has been proposed. The switching operation is based on the Kerr effect and …

Mid-infrared refractive index sensing using optimized slotted photonic crystal waveguides

L Kassa-Baghdouche, E Cassan - Photonics and Nanostructures …, 2018 - Elsevier
Slotted photonic crystal waveguides (SPCWs) were designed to act as refractive index
sensing devices at mid-infrared (IR) wavelengths around λ= 3.6 μm. In particular, effort was …

Unusual electromagnetic modes in space-time-modulated dispersion-engineered media

N Chamanara, ZL Deck-Léger, C Caloz, D Kalluri - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
We report on electromagnetic modes in space-time-modulated dispersion-engineered
media. These modes exhibit unusual dispersion relation, field profile, and scattering …

Sensitivity analysis of ring-shaped slotted photonic crystal waveguides for mid-infrared refractive index sensing

L Kassa-Baghdouche, E Cassan - Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, the sensitivity of slotted photonic crystal waveguides (SPCW) with triangular
lattice pattern of ring-shaped holes is analyzed in order to realize highly refractive index (RI) …

Multi-component gas sensing based on slotted photonic crystal waveguide with liquid infiltration

Y Zhang, Y Zhao, Q Wang - Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2013 - Elsevier
A high sensitive multi-component gas sensing system was proposed, in which the slotted
photonic crystal waveguide (SPCW) was used as the gas cell and the fiber Fabry–Perot …

Low-power all-optical switch based on slow light photonic crystal

T Daghooghi, M Soroosh, K Ansari-Asl - Photonic Network …, 2022 - Springer
In this study, an optical switch based on two-dimensional photonic crystals is presented for
the slow light regime. This regime enhances light–matter interaction and can be used to …

Enhanced localization of light in slow wave slot<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> photonic crystal waveguides

C Caer, X Le Roux, E Cassan - Optics letters, 2012 -
A flexible design of slot photonic crystal waveguide with a wide comb is investigated.
Introduction of a carefully designed comb within the photonic crystal waveguide allows an …

Slow light performance enhancement of Bragg slot photonic crystal waveguide with particle swarm optimization algorithm

K Abedi, SM Mirjalili - Optics Communications, 2015 - Elsevier
Recently, majority of current research in the field of designing Phonic Crystal Waveguides
(PCW) focus in extracting the relations between output slow light properties of PCW and …