Thermophysical properties of uranium dioxide

JK Fink - Journal of nuclear materials, 2000‏ - Elsevier
Experimental data on thermodynamic and transport properties of solid and liquid UO2 have
been reviewed and analyzed to obtain consistent equations for the thermophysical …

A pragmatic approach to modelling thermal conductivity of irradiated UO2 fuel: review and recommendations

PG Lucuta, IJ Hastings - Journal of nuclear materials, 1996‏ - Elsevier
The thermal conductivity of irradiated UO2 fuel is discussed considering the effects of
burnup (dissolved and precipitated solid fission products), porosity and fission-gas bubbles …

A review of the thermophysical properties of MOX and UO2 fuels

JJ Carbajo, GL Yoder, SG Popov, VK Ivanov - Journal of Nuclear materials, 2001‏ - Elsevier
A critical review of the thermophysical properties of UO2 and MOX fuels has been
completed, and the best correlations for thermophysical properties have been selected. The …

[HTML][HTML] A review of fuel performance modelling

P Van Uffelen, J Hales, W Li, G Rossiter… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Dr. Paul Van Uffelen graduated from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and the Ecole
Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique de Grenoble (France) with a master degree in …

Small polarons in real crystals: concepts and problems

AL Shluger, AM Stoneham - Journal of Physics: Condensed …, 1993‏ -
Much of small polaron theory is based on highly idealized models, often essentially a
continuum description with a single vibrational frequency. These models ignore much of the …

Thermal conductivity of hypostoichiometric low Pu content (U, Pu) O2− x mixed oxide

C Duriez, JP Alessandri, T Gervais… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2000‏ - Elsevier
The 'laser flash'method was used to measure the thermal diffusivity of PWR mixed oxide
fuels with Pu contents ranging from 3 to 15 wt% and oxygen to metal ratio (O/M) ranging …

Recent studies on potential accident-tolerant fuel-cladding systems in light water reactors

SL Chen, XJ He, CX Yuan - Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2020‏ - Springer
Accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) has attracted considerable research attention since the 2011
Fukushima nuclear disaster. To improve the accident tolerance of the fuel-cladding systems …

Evaluation of thermal properties of UO2 and PuO2 by equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations from 300 to 2000 K

T Arima, S Yamasaki, Y Inagaki, K Idemitsu - Journal of Alloys and …, 2005‏ - Elsevier
The thermal properties of UO2 and PuO2 have been investigated by the equilibrium
molecular dynamics (EMD) simulations between 300 and 2000K using the Born–Mayer …

Development of an accident-tolerant fuel composite from uranium mononitride (UN) and uranium sesquisilicide (U3 Si2) with increased uranium loading

LH Ortega, BJ Blamer, JA Evans… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2016‏ - Elsevier
The processing steps necessary to prepare a potential accident-tolerant fuel composite
consisting of uranium mononitride (UN) combined with uranium sesquisilicide (U 3 Si 2) are …

Thermal diffusivity and conductivity of thorium–plutonium mixed oxides

C Cozzo, D Staicu, J Somers, A Fernandez… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2011‏ - Elsevier
The thermal diffusivity of (Th, Pu) O2 (with 3, 8 and 30wt.% PuO2) mixed oxides and of the
single oxides PuO2 and ThO2 was measured using the laser flash technique. In several …