What we talk about when we talk about seasonality–A transdisciplinary review
The role of seasonality is indisputable in climate and ecosystem dynamics. Seasonal
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
temperature and precipitation variability are of vital importance for the availability of food …
Transhumance and long-term deforestation in the subalpine belt of the central Spanish Pyrenees: An interdisciplinary approach
A key problem in explaining the mountain landscapes of the Mediterranean region is the
relationship between the development of transhumance (seasonal movement of livestock …
relationship between the development of transhumance (seasonal movement of livestock …
Contributions of Quaternary botany to modern ecology and biogeography
HJB Birks - Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Quaternary (last 2.6 million years) botany involves studying plant megafossils
(eg tree stumps), macrofossils (eg seeds, leaves), and microfossils (eg pollen, spores) …
(eg tree stumps), macrofossils (eg seeds, leaves), and microfossils (eg pollen, spores) …
[HTML][HTML] Treeline research—From the roots of the past to present time. A review
FK Holtmeier, G Broll - Forests, 2019 - mdpi.com
Elevational and polar treelines have been studied for more than two centuries. The aim of
the present article is to highlight in retrospect the scope of treeline research, scientific …
the present article is to highlight in retrospect the scope of treeline research, scientific …
[HTML][HTML] New insights into the climate of northern Iberia during the Younger Dryas and Holocene: The Mendukilo multi-speleothem record
JL Bernal-Wormull, A Moreno, M Bartolomé… - Quaternary Science …, 2023 - Elsevier
Recent hydroclimate studies on the Iberian Peninsula have shown a complex regional
pattern in timing and intensity of climate change spanning the Younger Dryas and the …
pattern in timing and intensity of climate change spanning the Younger Dryas and the …
Biogeosciences perspectives on integrated, coordinated, open, networked (ICON) science
This article is composed of three independent commentaries about the state of Integrated,
Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) principles in the American Geophysical Union …
Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) principles in the American Geophysical Union …
Ancient trees are essential elements for high-mountain forest conservation: Linking the longevity of trees to their ecological function
O Pasques, S Munné-Bosch - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2024 - pnas.org
Mature forests and their extremely old trees are rare and threatened ancient vestiges in
remote European high-mountain regions. Here, we analyze the role that extremely long …
remote European high-mountain regions. Here, we analyze the role that extremely long …
Pollen-based reconstruction of Holocene land-cover in mountain regions: Evaluation of the Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm in the Vicdessos valley, northern …
Long-term perspectives on climate-and human-induced shifts in plant communities and tree
line in mountains are often inferred from fossil pollen records. However, various factors, such …
line in mountains are often inferred from fossil pollen records. However, various factors, such …
The Quaternary record of fossil bats in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: Palaeobiogeographical changes and palaeoenvironmental implications
J Galán, JM López-García, G Cuenca-Bescós… - Palaeogeography …, 2024 - Elsevier
Bats are a highly diversified order of mammals found all over the world; however, their
population size and distribution are decreasing rapidly in Europe nowadays. The study of …
population size and distribution are decreasing rapidly in Europe nowadays. The study of …
Organic layers preserved in ice patches: A new record of Holocene environmental change on the Beartooth Plateau, USA
M Alt, K Puseman, CM Lee, GT Pederson… - The …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Growing season temperatures play a crucial role in controlling treeline elevation at regional
to global scales. However, understanding of treeline dynamics in response to long-term …
to global scales. However, understanding of treeline dynamics in response to long-term …