Pricing and optimization in shared vehicle systems: An approximation framework

S Banerjee, D Freund, T Lykouris - Operations Research, 2022 -
Optimizing shared vehicle systems (bike-/scooter-/car-/ride-sharing) are more challenging
compared with traditional resource allocation settings because of the presence of complex …

Appointment scheduling under patient preference and no-show behavior

J Feldman, N Liu, H Topaloglu… - Operations …, 2014 -
Motivated by the rising popularity of electronic appointment booking systems, we develop
appointment scheduling models that take into account the patient preferences regarding …

An LP-based correlated rounding scheme for multi-item ecommerce order fulfillment

S Jasin, A Sinha - Operations Research, 2015 -
We consider an online multi-item retailer with multiple fulfillment facilities and finite
inventory. The challenge faced by the retailer is to construct a fulfillment policy to decide …

Dynamic assortment optimization for reusable products with random usage durations

P Rusmevichientong, M Sumida… - Management …, 2020 -
We consider dynamic assortment problems with reusable products, in which each arriving
customer chooses a product within an offered assortment, uses the product for a random …

Yield optimization of display advertising with ad exchange

S Balseiro, J Feldman, V Mirrokni… - Proceedings of the 12th …, 2011 -
In light of the growing market of Ad Exchanges for the real-time sale of advertising slots,
publishers face new challenges in choosing between the allocation of contract-based …

Online assortment optimization with reusable resources

XY Gong, V Goyal, GN Iyengar… - Management …, 2022 -
We consider an online assortment optimization problem where we have n substitutable
products with fixed reusable capacities c 1,…, cn. In each period t, a user with some …

Near-optimal bayesian online assortment of reusable resources

Y Feng, R Niazadeh, A Saberi - … of the 23rd ACM Conference on …, 2022 -
Motivated by the applications of rental services in e-commerce, we consider revenue
maximization in online assortment of reusable resources for a stream of arriving consumers …

Time-varying queues

W Whitt - Queueing models and service management, 2018 -
Service systems abound with queues, but the most natural direct models are often time-
varying queues, which may require nonstandard analysis methods beyond stochastic …

Online learning and pricing for service systems with reusable resources

H Jia, C Shi, S Shen - Operations Research, 2024 -
We consider a price-based revenue management problem with finite reusable resources
over a finite time horizon T. Customers arrive following a price-dependent Poisson process …

Real-time dynamic pricing for revenue management with reusable resources, advance reservation, and deterministic service time requirements

Y Lei, S Jasin - Operations Research, 2020 -
We consider a dynamic pricing problem in a system with reusable resources. Customers
arrive randomly over time according to a specified nonstationary rate, and each customer …