Construction of an Adaptive Blended Curriculum (ABC) model in implementing local content curriculum
Indonesia is famous for its rich and diverse local wisdom. This diversity makes the wealth of
human resources has the potential that can be developed in the realm of local content …
human resources has the potential that can be developed in the realm of local content …
Profesionalitas Guru Sekolah Dasar dalam menghadapi Ragam Karakteristik Belajar
This research aimed to review the professionalism of teachers in the face of the learning
characters of elementary school students. In the learning process, a teacher's role was …
characters of elementary school students. In the learning process, a teacher's role was …
[PDF][PDF] The use of social media as learning resources to support the new normal
This article aims to study the use of social media as a learning resource. Basically, social
media tends to be freely used by various circles, both in terms of cost and time spent. In …
media tends to be freely used by various circles, both in terms of cost and time spent. In …
Investigation of the high school teachers TPACK competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia
Teachers as professional educators are required to have a set of competencies to support
their performance. The development of information and communication technology requires …
their performance. The development of information and communication technology requires …
Model Adaptive Blended Curriculum (ABC) sebagai inovasi kurikulum dalam upaya mendukung pemerataan pendidikan
Indonesia merupakan negara yang luas baik dari segi geografis maupun budaya. Dengan
melihat perbedaan tersebut, tentunya tiap-tiap sumber daya manusia pada tiap-tiap wilayah …
melihat perbedaan tersebut, tentunya tiap-tiap sumber daya manusia pada tiap-tiap wilayah …
The Effect of Providing Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation on Student Learning Difficulties
This study aims to understand the combined effect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on
students' learning difficulties at the junior secondary school level. This research uses a …
students' learning difficulties at the junior secondary school level. This research uses a …
Inovasi Pembelajaran: Penilaian Mahasiswa Berbasis Sistem Berdasarkan Perspektif Motivasi Belajar dan Pengaruh Penggunaan Sistem
The assessment process carried out by lecturers for students still uses previous utilization
procedures, such as processing grades with Microsoft Excel, so it is less effective. This …
procedures, such as processing grades with Microsoft Excel, so it is less effective. This …
Professionalism of Primary School Teachers in Selection of Learning Models and Media to Achieve Instructional Goals
This research aims to reveal the professionalism of primary school teachers in selection of
models and media in the process of learning to teach at classroom. Teachers profession will …
models and media in the process of learning to teach at classroom. Teachers profession will …
A Culture Day Program: Realization of Strategy the Implementation of Multicultural-Based Learning in TK EL Mu'jizah Malang in Covid Era
Humans are God's creature which has various potentials. They are given five senses in their
lives. This potential must be used appropriately as a provision in their life. To exploit all of …
lives. This potential must be used appropriately as a provision in their life. To exploit all of …
Model Pembelajaran Make A Match Berbantuan Media Audio Visual Berpengaruh terhadap Motivasi Belajar IPA
Rendahnya motivasi belajar siswa disebakan karena beberapa faktor baik dari guru
maupun siswa. Penerapan model pembelajaran make a match berbantuan media audio …
maupun siswa. Penerapan model pembelajaran make a match berbantuan media audio …