A systematic review of cloud computing tools for collaborative learning: Opportunities and challenges to the blended-learning environment

H Al-Samarraie, N Saeed - Computers & Education, 2018 - Elsevier
The use of online collaborative learning activities has been notably supported by cloud
computing. Although specific reference has been made to a certain online application or …

[HTML][HTML] Data provenance for cloud forensic investigations, security, challenges, solutions and future perspectives: A survey

OI Abiodun, M Alawida, AE Omolara… - Journal of King Saud …, 2022 - Elsevier
It is extremely difficult to track down the original source of sensitive data from a variety of
sources in the cloud during transit and processing. For instance, data provenance, which …

Analyzing critical success factors for sustainable cloud-based mobile learning (CBML) in crisp and fuzzy environment

QN Naveed, AI Qahmash, MRN Qureshi, N Ahmad… - Sustainability, 2023 - mdpi.com
Mobile Learning (M-Learning), driven by technological digital advancement, is one of the
essential formats of online learning, providing flexibility to learners. Cloud-based mobile …

Benefits and challenges of cloud computing adoption and usage in higher education: A systematic literature review

MB Ali, T Wood-Harper, M Mohamad - Research Anthology on …, 2021 - igi-global.com
The aim of this article was to provide evidence pertaining to cloud computing (CC) adoption
in education, namely higher education institutions (HEIs) or Universities. A systematic …

A two models modification for determining cloud computing adoption for web-based services in academic libraries in Nigeria

A Tella, SC Ukwoma, AI Kayode - The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2020 - Elsevier
The study examined through the modification of two models the factors that determine cloud
computing adoption for web-based services in academic libraries in Nigeria. A survey …

From silent spaces to smart spaces: Leveraging IoT-based innovative services to enhance library system performance using SEM approach

AU Khan, Z Ma, M Li, L Zhi… - Information …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a disruptive technology with enormous potential
to alter various fields, including libraries. However, research on IoT uptake in libraries still …

Conceptualizing hybrid model for influencing intention to adopt cloud computing in North-Eastern Nigerian academic libraries

AS Yakubu, AM Kassim, MH Husin - The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2023 - Elsevier
The understanding of cloud computing adoption in academic libraries in North-Eastern
Nigeria is still unclear. Therefore, this research combines two technology adoption theories …

Factors influencing adoption of cloud computing services in HEIs: a UTAUT approach based on students' perception

G Kabra, V Ghosh, Y Joshi - International Journal of …, 2023 - inderscienceonline.com
The use of cloud computing services in higher education institutions (HEIs) is gaining
momentum. From a stakeholder analysis perspective, this study aims to advance the …

Develo** a cloud-based mobile learning adoption model to promote sustainable education

N Ahmad, N Hoda, F Alahmari - Sustainability, 2020 - mdpi.com
Education plays a very significant role in the context of sustainability. As the world
population is growing, providing education through the traditional classroom setting is not …

Формування і розвиток хмаро орієнтованого освітньо-наукового середовища вищого навчального закладу

МП Шишкіна - 2015 - lib.iitta.gov.ua
У монографії висвітлені питання, пов'язані з аналізом теоретичних і науково-
методичних засад формування хмаро орієнтованого освітньо-наукового середовища …