Glacier fluctuations during the past 2000 years
A global compilation of glacier advances and retreats for the past two millennia grouped by
17 regions (excluding Antarctica) highlights the nature of glacier fluctuations during the late …
17 regions (excluding Antarctica) highlights the nature of glacier fluctuations during the late …
Glacial geological studies of surge-type glaciers in Iceland—Research status and future challenges
Surging glaciers are potential analogues for land-terminating palaeo-ice streams and
surging ice sheet lobes, and research on surge-type glaciers is important for understanding …
surging ice sheet lobes, and research on surge-type glaciers is important for understanding …
The onset of Neoglaciation in Iceland and the 4.2 ka event
Strong similarities in Holocene climate reconstructions derived from multiple proxies (BSi,
TOC–total organic carbon, δ 13 C, C∕ N, MS–magnetic susceptibility, δ 15 N) preserved in …
TOC–total organic carbon, δ 13 C, C∕ N, MS–magnetic susceptibility, δ 15 N) preserved in …
[HTML][HTML] High-resolution chronology for deglaciation of the Patagonian Ice Sheet at Lago Buenos Aires (46.5 S) revealed through varve chronology and Bayesian age …
JM Bendle, AP Palmer, VR Thorndycraft… - Quaternary Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Glaciolacustrine varves offer the potential to construct continuous, annually-resolved
chronologies for ice-sheet deglaciation, and improved understanding of glacier retreat …
chronologies for ice-sheet deglaciation, and improved understanding of glacier retreat …
[PDF][PDF] A national glacier inventory and variations in glacier extent in Iceland from the Little Ice Age maximum to 2019
H Hannesdóttir, O Sigurðsson, RH Þrastarson… - Jökull, 2020 - vedur.is
A national glacier outline inventory for several different times since the end of the Little Ice
Age (LIA) in Iceland has been created with input from several research groups and …
Age (LIA) in Iceland has been created with input from several research groups and …
Dyke to sill deflection in the shallow heterogeneous crust during glacier retreat: part I
Dykes and sills occupy Mode I (extension), Mode II (shear), or hybrid mode fractures and
most of the time transport and store magma from deep reservoirs to the surface. Subject to …
most of the time transport and store magma from deep reservoirs to the surface. Subject to …
Holocene history of landscape instability in Iceland: Can we deconvolve the impacts of climate, volcanism and human activity?
Biogeochemical proxy records from Icelandic lake sediment track large-scale shifts in North
Atlantic Holocene climate and highlight the impact that North Atlantic Ocean-and …
Atlantic Holocene climate and highlight the impact that North Atlantic Ocean-and …
Detailed dynamic, geometric and supraglacial moraine data for Glaciar Pio XI, the only surge-type glacier of the Southern Patagonia Icefield
In contrast to the general trend for glaciers of the Southern Patagonia Icefield, Glaciar Pio XI
has experienced a large cumulative frontal advance since 1945. In an effort to better …
has experienced a large cumulative frontal advance since 1945. In an effort to better …
Episodic expansion of Drangajökull, Vestfirðir, Iceland, over the last 3 ka culminating in its maximum dimension during the Little Ice Age
Non-linear climate change is often linked to rapid changes in ocean circulation, especially
around the North Atlantic. As the Polar Front fluctuated its latitudinal position during the …
around the North Atlantic. As the Polar Front fluctuated its latitudinal position during the …
Holocene glacier and climate variations in Vestfirðir, Iceland, from the modeling of Drangajökull ice cap
Drangajökull is a maritime ice cap located in northwest (Vestfirðir) Iceland. Drangajökull's
evolution is therefore closely linked to atmospheric and ocean variability. In order to better …
evolution is therefore closely linked to atmospheric and ocean variability. In order to better …