Delay causes in road infrastructure projects in develo** countries

G Mejía, O Sánchez, K Castañeda… - Revista de la …, 2020 - SciELO Chile
Project delays adversely affect road infrastructure development in develo** countries.
Unfavorable consequences of project delays involve cost overrun, contractual disputes …

Reasons for delay in selected hydro-power projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan

A Batool, F Abbas - Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017 - Elsevier
This paper aims at exploring reasons for delays in Hydro-Power projects completed in last 5
years in Pakistan. Hydro power projects at Allai Khwar, Duber Khwar and Khan Khwar …

Investigation of project delays: Towards a sustainable construction industry

AH Memon, AQ Memon, SH Khahro, Y Javed - Sustainability, 2023 -
The construction industry is one of the key industries for any country. It has been observed
that this industry is suffering from sustainable solutions during project execution. It is evident …

Predicting the construction projects time and cost overruns using K-nearest neighbor and artificial neural network: a case study from Jordan

A Arabiat, H Al-Bdour, M Bisharah - Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2023 - Springer
Cost and time overruns are currently posing a worldwide challenge to completing
construction projects. Previous research looked at the factors that contributed to schedule …

Key driving factors of cost overrun in highway infrastructure projects in Nigeria: a context-based perspective

AT Mahmud, SO Ogunlana, WT Hong - Journal of Engineering …, 2021 -
Purpose Extensive research towards identifying the attributable cost overrun factors globally
has been conducted predominantly from a survey-oriented perspective, which disregard the …

Modeling schedule overrun and cost escalation percentages of highway projects using fuzzy approach

AE Abu El-Maaty, AM El-Kholy, AY Akal - Engineering, Construction …, 2017 -
Purpose Modeling represents the art of translating problems from an application area into
tractable mathematical formulations whose theoretical and numerical analysis provides …

Exploring the best ANN model based on four paradigms to predict delay and cost overrun percentages of highway projects

AM El-Kholy - International Journal of Construction Management, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This study explores the best models in predicting delay and cost overrun percentages
(PDCOP) for highway projects depending on four ANNs-based paradigms: principal …

Unearthing causative factors of cost overrun on ghanaian road projects

O Akinradewo, C Aigbavboa, A Oke, H Coffie… - The Baltic Journal of …, 2022 -
When determining the success of a road project, cost is one of the most important variables
to consider. This is because cost is the project's backbone and driving force throughout the …

Stakeholders' issues as a source of project delays: a meta-analysis between building and road projects

G Mejía, O Sánchez, K Castañeda… - Revista de la …, 2023 - SciELO Chile
Delay is one of the most common and complex issues that adversely affect the performance
of construction pro-jects. Although much research exists on project delay, only some studies …

[PDF][PDF] A Review on causes of cost overrun in the construction projects

AF Albtoush, SI Doh - International Journal of New Innovations in …, 2019 -
Cost overrun is a frequent phenomenon in the construction projects in all countries, whether
it developed or develo** country. This problem is critical issues that affect project success …