Co** styles vary with species' sociality and life history: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis
RA Duckworth, KC Chenard, L Meza… - … & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2023 - Elsevier
Despite a long history of animal studies investigating co** styles, the causal connections
between behavior and stress physiology remain unclear. Consistency across taxa in effect …
between behavior and stress physiology remain unclear. Consistency across taxa in effect …
Associations between glucocorticoids and sociality across a continuum of vertebrate social behavior
The causes and consequences of individual differences in animal behavior and stress
physiology are increasingly studied in wild animals, yet the possibility that stress physiology …
physiology are increasingly studied in wild animals, yet the possibility that stress physiology …
Stress and success: individual differences in the glucocorticoid stress response predict behavior and reproductive success under high predation risk
A fundamental element of how vertebrates respond to stressors is by rapidly elevating
circulating glucocorticoid hormones. Individual variation in the magnitude of the …
circulating glucocorticoid hormones. Individual variation in the magnitude of the …
Effects of maternal stress on measures of anxiety and fearfulness in different strains of laying hens
Maternal stress can affect the offspring of birds, possibly due to hormone deposition in the
egg. Additionally, phenotypic diversity resulting from domestication and selection for …
egg. Additionally, phenotypic diversity resulting from domestication and selection for …
The role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis in mediating predator-avoidance trade-offs
Maintaining energy balance and reproducing are important for fitness, yet animals have
evolved mechanisms by which the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/HPI) axis …
evolved mechanisms by which the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal (HPA/HPI) axis …
A meta-analysis of correlated behaviors with implications for behavioral syndromes: relationships between particular behavioral traits
Behavioral syndromes predict that individuals display behaviors consistently across different
ecological situations, resulting in correlations among functionally different individual-specific …
ecological situations, resulting in correlations among functionally different individual-specific …
Within‐individual correlations reveal link between a behavioral syndrome, condition, and cortisol in free‐ranging Belding's ground squirrels
AJ Dosmann, KC Brooks, JM Mateo - Ethology, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Animals often exhibit consistent individual differences in behavior (ie, animal personality)
and correlations between behaviors (ie, behavioral syndromes), yet the causes of those …
and correlations between behaviors (ie, behavioral syndromes), yet the causes of those …
[HTML][HTML] Novelty at second glance: a critical appraisal of the novel object paradigm based on meta-analysis
Highlights•We present a meta-analysis for novel object tests and discuss different
practices.•Novel object tests efficiently quantify individual differences in behaviour.• …
practices.•Novel object tests efficiently quantify individual differences in behaviour.• …
Testosterone regulates CYP2J19-linked carotenoid signal expression in male red-backed fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus)
Carotenoid pigments produce most red, orange and yellow colours in vertebrates. This
coloration can serve as an honest signal of quality that mediates social and mating …
coloration can serve as an honest signal of quality that mediates social and mating …
Exploring the dog park: Relationships between social behaviours, personality and cortisol in companion dogs
LO Carrier, A Cyr, RE Anderson, CJ Walsh - Applied Animal Behaviour …, 2013 - Elsevier
The relationships between behaviour, owner-rated personality, and cortisol were examined
in companion dogs that visited a local off-leash dog park. In Study 1, salivary cortisol …
in companion dogs that visited a local off-leash dog park. In Study 1, salivary cortisol …