[HTML][HTML] Functional polymer materials for modern marine biofouling control

H Qiu, K Feng, A Gapeeva, K Meurisch, S Kaps… - Progress in Polymer …, 2022 - Elsevier
Marine biofouling is a well-known massive problem: within the shortest time, ship hulls and
other man-made submerged surfaces are inevitably populated by various marine …

Polymer-based marine antifouling and fouling release surfaces: Strategies for synthesis and modification

AK Leonardi, CK Ober - Annual review of chemical and …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
In marine industries, the accumulation of organic matter and marine organisms on ship hulls
and instruments limits performance, requiring frequent maintenance and increasing fuel …

Advances in polymers for anti-biofouling surfaces

S Krishnan, CJ Weinman, CK Ober - Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2008 - pubs.rsc.org
Self-assembling polymers and nanostructured polymer thin films are being actively explored
as advanced coatings for marine and biomedical applications. This review highlights recent …

Progress of marine biofouling and antifouling technologies

S Cao, JD Wang, HS Chen, DR Chen - Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011 - Springer
Adhesion of marine fouling organisms on artificial surfaces such as ship hulls causes many
problems, including extra energy consumption, high maintenance costs, and increased …

Bio-inspired antifouling strategies

CM Kirschner, AB Brennan - Annual review of materials research, 2012 - annualreviews.org
Biofouling is a complex, dynamic problem that globally impacts both the economy and
environment. Interdisciplinary research in marine biology, polymer science, and engineering …

Chemical vapor deposition of conformal, functional, and responsive polymer films

ME Alf, A Asatekin, MC Barr, SH Baxamusa… - Advanced …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) polymerization utilizes the delivery of vapor‐phase
monomers to form chemically well‐defined polymeric films directly on the surface of a …

Squid inspired elastomer marine coating with efficient antifouling strategies: Hydrophilized defensive surface and lower modulus

Z Tong, H Guo, Z Di, Y Sheng, L Song, J Hu… - Colloids and Surfaces B …, 2022 - Elsevier
In antifouling applications for the marine industry, low surface energy coatings entail
turbulent water flow to release marine biofouling, which presents a substantial challenge for …

Poly (ethylene glycol)-containing hydrogel surfaces for antifouling applications in marine and freshwater environments

T Ekblad, G Bergström, T Ederth, SL Conlan… - …, 2008 - ACS Publications
This work describes the fabrication, characterization, and biological evaluation of a thin
protein-resistant poly (ethylene glycol)(PEG)-based hydrogel coating for antifouling …

Physico-chemical surface properties of microalgae

A Ozkan, H Berberoglu - Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013 - Elsevier
This study reports a comprehensive set of experimentally measured physico-chemical
surface properties of 12 different microalgae including fresh and seawater species of green …

Diffusely charged polymeric zwitterions as loosely hydrated marine antifouling coatings

SD Mengel, W Guo, G Wu, JA Finlay, P Allen… - Langmuir, 2023 - ACS Publications
Polymeric zwitterions exhibit exceptional fouling resistance through the formation of a
strongly hydrated surface of immobilized water molecules. While being extensively tested for …