Superconductivity in one dimension
KY Arutyunov, DS Golubev, AD Zaikin - Physics Reports, 2008 - Elsevier
Superconducting properties of metallic nanowires can be entirely different from those of bulk
superconductors because of the dominating role played by thermal and quantum …
superconductors because of the dominating role played by thermal and quantum …
The Promise of Soft‐Matter‐Enabled Quantum Materials
The field of quantum materials has experienced rapid growth over the past decade, driven
by exciting new discoveries with immense transformative potential. Traditional synthetic …
by exciting new discoveries with immense transformative potential. Traditional synthetic …
Size dependent breakdown of superconductivity in ultranarrow nanowires
M Zgirski, KP Riikonen, V Touboltsev, K Arutyunov - Nano letters, 2005 - ACS Publications
Below a certain temperature T c (typically cryogenic), some materials lose their electric
resistance R entering a superconducting state. Following the general trend toward a large …
resistance R entering a superconducting state. Following the general trend toward a large …
Dissipation in quasi-one-dimensional superconducting single-crystal nanowires
Electrical transport measurements were made on single-crystal Sn nanowires to understand
the intrinsic dissipation mechanisms of a one-dimensional superconductor. While the …
the intrinsic dissipation mechanisms of a one-dimensional superconductor. While the …
Bifurcation Diagram and Pattern Formation of Phase Slip Centers<? format?> in Superconducting Wires Driven with Electric Currents
J Rubinstein, P Sternberg, Q Ma - Physical review letters, 2007 - APS
We provide here new insights into the classical problem of a one-dimensional
superconducting wire exposed to an applied electric current using the time-dependent …
superconducting wire exposed to an applied electric current using the time-dependent …
Evidence for Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of Phase Slips<? format?> in Long One-Dimensional Superconducting Al Wires
F Altomare, AM Chang, MR Melloch, Y Hong, CW Tu - Physical review letters, 2006 - APS
Quantum phase slips have received much attention due to their relevance to superfluids in
reduced dimensions and to models of cosmic string production in the early universe. Their …
reduced dimensions and to models of cosmic string production in the early universe. Their …
Kinematic vortex-antivortex lines in strongly driven superconducting stripes
In the framework of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau formalism, we study the “resistive”
state of a submicron superconducting stripe in the presence of a longitudinal current …
state of a submicron superconducting stripe in the presence of a longitudinal current …
Suppression of superconductivity in zinc nanowires by bulk superconductors
Transport measurements were made on a system consisting of a zinc nanowire array
sandwiched between two bulk superconducting electrodes (Sn or In). It was found that the …
sandwiched between two bulk superconducting electrodes (Sn or In). It was found that the …
Influence of High Magnetic Fields on the Superconducting Transition<? format?> of One-Dimensional Nb and MoGe Nanowires
A Rogachev, AT Bollinger, A Bezryadin - Physical review letters, 2005 - APS
The effects of a strong magnetic field on superconducting Nb and MoGe nanowires with
diameter∼ 10 nm have been studied. We have found that the Langer-Ambegaokar …
diameter∼ 10 nm have been studied. We have found that the Langer-Ambegaokar …
Momentum-resolved study of an array of one-dimensional strongly phase-fluctuating Bose gases
We investigate the coherence properties of an array of one-dimensional Bose gases with
short-scale phase fluctuations. The momentum distribution is measured using Bragg …
short-scale phase fluctuations. The momentum distribution is measured using Bragg …