[HTML][HTML] Adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of pesticides into nanocomposites: a review
The extensive use of pesticides in agriculture has significantly impacted the environment
and human health, as these pollutants are inadequately disposed of into water bodies. In …
and human health, as these pollutants are inadequately disposed of into water bodies. In …
Herbicide risks to non-target species and the environment: A review
The worldwide contamination of waters and food by herbicides is a major health issue, yet
the toxic effects of herbicides to non-target organisms and ecosystems have been poorly …
the toxic effects of herbicides to non-target organisms and ecosystems have been poorly …
What can reactive oxygen species (ROS) tell us about the action mechanism of herbicides and other phytotoxins?
VA Dmitrieva, EV Tyutereva… - Free Radical Biology and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed in plant cells continuously. When ROS
production exceeds the antioxidant capacity of the cells, oxidative stress develops which …
production exceeds the antioxidant capacity of the cells, oxidative stress develops which …
Accumulation of commonly used agricultural herbicides in coral reef organisms from iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa
Coral reefs are amongst the most biodiverse ecosystems on earth, but are significantly
impacted by agricultural runoff. Despite herbicides being commonly detected in coastal …
impacted by agricultural runoff. Despite herbicides being commonly detected in coastal …
[HTML][HTML] Chloroacetanilides inhibit photosynthesis and disrupt the thylakoid membranes of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum as revealed with metazachlor …
The chloroacetanilides are among the most commonly used herbicides worldwide, which
contaminate aquatic environments and affect aquatic phototrophs. Their sub-lethal toxicity …
contaminate aquatic environments and affect aquatic phototrophs. Their sub-lethal toxicity …
Removal of alachlor from the water/soil environments: The significance of microbial remediation and its biochemical mechanisms
Z Li, M Chen, WJ Chen, M Liu, G Si, X Zhu… - Journal of Water …, 2024 - Elsevier
Extensive use of the herbicide alachlor has resulted in serious environmental contamination.
Alachlor has been frequently detected to exceed permissible limits in various water and soil …
Alachlor has been frequently detected to exceed permissible limits in various water and soil …
Increased nitrate concentration differentially affects cell growth and expression of nitrate transporter and other nitrogen-related genes in the harmful dinoflagellate …
The molecular mechanisms through which dinoflagellates adapt to nitrate fluctuations in
aquatic environments remain poorly understood. Here, we sequenced the full-length cDNA …
aquatic environments remain poorly understood. Here, we sequenced the full-length cDNA …
Molecular cloning and oxidative‐stress responses of a novel Phi class glutathione S‐transferase (GSTF) gene in the freshwater algae Closterium ehrenbergii
Glutathione S‐transferases (GSTs) belong to a family of enzymes involved in diverse
biological processes, including detoxification and protection against oxidative damage …
biological processes, including detoxification and protection against oxidative damage …
[HTML][HTML] Defensive responses of most antioxidant genes in the freshwater dinoflagellate Palatinus apiculatus to cadmium stress and their implications
QTN Bui, T Kim, HS Kim, JS Ki - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2025 - Elsevier
Photosynthetic dinoflagellates are one of the major microalgal taxa, playing essential roles
in biogeochemical cycles and food webs in aquatic environments. Some freshwater …
in biogeochemical cycles and food webs in aquatic environments. Some freshwater …
[HTML][HTML] Identification of a Shewanella halifaxensis Strain with Algicidal Effects on Red Tide Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum triestinum in Culture
V Cruz-Balladares, V Avalos, H Vera-Villalobos… - Marine Drugs, 2023 - mdpi.com
The dinoflagellate Prorocentrum triestinum forms high biomass blooms that discolor the
water (red tides), which may pose a serious threat to marine fauna and aquaculture …
water (red tides), which may pose a serious threat to marine fauna and aquaculture …