Inequalities and poverty risks in old age across Europe: The double‐edged income effect of pension systems

B Ebbinghaus - Social Policy & Administration, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
While the sustainability of pension systems facing demographic ageing has been widely
discussed, the adequacy of retirement income has often been neglected in current debate …

Active and successful aging: A European policy perspective

L Foster, A Walker - The gerontologist, 2015 -
Over the past two decades,“active aging” has emerged in Europe as the foremost policy
response to the challenges of population aging. This article examines the concept of active …

The political economy of pension financialisation: public policy responses to the crisis

A Hassel, M Naczyk, T Wiß - The Political Economy of Pension …, 2020 -
Financialisation has become a key feature of post-industrial economies. This special issue
sheds light on pre-funded private pensions as one key component of financialisation, as …

The privatization and marketization of pensions in Europe: A double transformation facing the crisis

B Ebbinghaus - European Policy Analysis, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
In response to the demographic challenges and fiscal constraints, many European welfare
states have moved toward the privatization and marketization of pensions in order to …

[CARTE][B] Pension fund capitalism: The privatization of pensions in developed and develo** countries

L Oręziak - 2022 -
This book examines the origins and consequences of so-called pension fund capitalism,
which has spread around the world since 1981, when the pension system was completely …

Experts versus representatives? Financialised valuation and institutional change in financial governance

P Golka, N Van der Zwan - New Political Economy, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Valuation devices and institutional change are key aspects of financialisation, but have been
largely separated in the literature. This article explores the causal link between both …

Reinforcement of pension financialisation as a response to financial crises in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom

T Wiß - The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation, 2020 -
The financial market crises of 2001/02 and 2007/08 and the sovereign debt crisis that started
in 2011 had adverse effects on financialised pensions such as pension funds. In general …

Dismantling the Welfare State? after Twenty-five years: What have we learned and what should we learn?

C Jensen, G Wenzelburger… - Journal of European …, 2019 -
Dismantling the Welfare State? is a modern classic in the welfare state literature. Yet
although the book is widely known, the 'Piersonian argument'as it is typically referred to …

Shifting responsibilities in Western European pension systems: what future for social models?

B Ebbinghaus, N Whiteside - Global Social Policy, 2012 -
A liberal paradigm shift from state to private responsibility in old age income protection has
been a general development across Western Europe. The financial crisis sheds new light on …

Multipillarisation remodelled: the role of interest organizations in British and German pension reforms

B Ebbinghaus - The Political Economy of Pension …, 2020 -
Recent reforms have responded to demographic ageing and fiscal challenges by shifting
toward the multipillarisation of pensions to achieve financial sustainability. Reforms towards …