Millennial generation and family literacy within the dissemination of hoax in Whatsapp group

RP Tutiasri, A Kusuma - Informasi, 2020 -
The millennial generation emerges in the era of advanced technology. The characters of the
generation tend to have advanced knowledge of both technology and information. This …

Marketing communication strategy Sawah Pematang Johar tour in improving tourist visits

VM Sari, A Anshori - COMMICAST, 2022 -
Tourism objects are one of the business fields that are develo** so fast and creating
competition between one tourist attraction and another in reaching visitors or tourists. Tourist …

The role of social media instagram community to tourism promotion in Baubau city

NT Utami - COMMICAST, 2022 -
Abstract compete in terms of promotion with several other regions. The tourism policy carried
out by the local government has not been able to make tourism the main asset of the City of …

[КНИГА][B] The Political Economy of China-Indonesia Relations in 2022

MZ Rakhmat - 2023 -
2022 was another crucial year for China-Indonesia relations. The cooperation continued to
grow and expand in various fields. While political and economic fields remain the arenas …

Getting Nods from the Muslims: China's Muslim Diplomacy in Indonesia

MZ Rakhmat - International Journal of China Studies, 2022 -
China has detained an estimated two million Uighur Muslims in concentration camps in the
northwestern province of **njiang for forced re-education and political indoctrinations. While …

Keterbukaan Pelaku Usaha Millenial Terhadap Ekonomi Digital Dalam Kegiatan Pemasaran

M Hasan, M Miranda, AA Handayani… - … Ilmiah Ekonomi dan …, 2022 -
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekspolarasi dan menganalisa bentuk keterbukaan
pelaku usaha millenial terhadap ekonomi digital, terutama sebagai penunjang kegiatan …

Digital literation of citizens neighborhood association's WhatsApp group in response Covid-19 information

I Wenerda - International Journal of Communication and Society, 2022 -
This research aims to find out the competence of digital literacy of citizens to infodemic
received through WAG neighborhood association 09 Dipowinatan. This research was …

The heartfelt communication model of the'Gerakan Indonesia Membantu'in enhancing awareness among Indonesian students in China

U Jandevi, P Lestari, P Prayudi - Informasi, 2024 -
This research aims to discover the latest philanthropic communication model employed by
the Gerakan Indonesia Membantu (GIM) organization during their efforts to provide aid to …

Nilai-nilai hukum keluarga Islam dalam novel Merantau ke Deli karya Hamka

ET Somae - COMMICAST, 2022 -
Abstract Novel Merantau ke Deli karya Hamka merupakan karya sastra yang memuat nilai-
nilai hukum keluarga Islam di Indonesia yang kini secara legal formal disahkan dalam …